The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

THE AGE. THURSDAY. JULY 24. 1030. 12 AMUsem*nTS, AMUsem*nTS.


Parliament House. LAST 2 DAYS OF SHAKESPEARE'S "TAMING OP THE SHREW." (For General Exhibition), ON SATURDAY. Australian Premiere Oala Event, MAURICE CHEVALIER In Paramount' Marvellous Triumph. "THE BIG POND." With CLAUDETTE COLBERT. Box Plans for this Gala Event now on view at the Princess Theatre.

Applications lor Preferential Booking In all parts now being received. General Plans Open at Glen's. Mutual, Myer's and State. Theatre Phone, 3232. Performances Dally, 11 a.m, 2.1ft p.m.



And HIS BAND. UNIT 5. At Wuflitier UNIT 8 Fox Movietone News. Theatre, Glen's. Mutual.

Myer-n, Harpcr'a (Hi. Pnon. FI656 for reserves, pcrormances HOOK now ior next oaiuruay MICKEY MOUSE CHILDREN'S MORNINQ MATINEE PARTY. AUSTRALIA'S QltEA'TEST THEATRE. THE STATE.

Announcing DRABTIO REDUCTIONS In Htata ON SATURDAY. Stalls (week days), from Bd. Saturdays, from 1. And Uio Introduction of the Bigger and Better aiaip unit Including THE STATE BTAGK BAND ENTERTAINMENT, "LA FESTA." With Hamilton Webber'a New Stage Band. The Castllllans, Whirlwind Dancers, The State Mate Quartet.

Paramount All-Talking Triumph, VSARAH AND SON." With RUTH CHATTICRTON. Luplno Lane In "Shipmates." Ttnmlltnti Webber nnd His Orchestra. Book Now for Saturday's Wonderful Gala lilH'lt. BUSINESSES AND PARTNERSHIPS. (Continued From Pago (GROCERY, eastern suburb, 5 rooms, sleep out, 7u rent, taking i.

U3 over ail expenses, Invicta allcer, Dayton fccales, turnout, fiuincu; also clean, fresh utocK; genuine, iofj. Stevens 317 Cullina-at. TTJTo'JKrtV; eastern taking ir60TTV0 VW b'ood prices, iifcti dwelling, ieaiie, 140, 8. A.V. others.

40 I'rali-ran. near elation. IROL'ERY. takine 80 to TO weekly. LTD.

rhtju. e.iud Kuhnrti iitl mock, and Diant at valuation, particulars, Orchard Cumey, li in -25. atock valuation; 160. Mcfcwao, a 17 ColHiia-at. VroCERV Business.

S0 per week, stuck ana plant about JEOuG, outer sub. uo anenta. Grocer. Aee Ofnee. (UEST Houses, several, country, suburban! personally investigated, rec.

money 'u wurtn, purcnase, leaj.e. W. I'lowriSM, 11 jueen-at. Fmo. House, I (100.

Orchi HTTlR Dreshlnu, Tob-Jteonlsi, Heidelberg 6 -10 rent, taking 20 weekly, over all expenses, 10 yeurs same hand; 100 stock. maKiilticently appointed, going country: tler. Atuo several Billiard Rooms, Slcvumi 3H Colllna-at. 1 1 AIR Dressing, Tobacconist, Blllfuidn," pro 1 1 crtsaive eastern suburb, rooms, low turn. lowest 11, usually 20 weekly, 7 net, lull uize billiard, snooker sets, liemilifuiiy Kupolni'J saloon.

fttlinsa, clock; everything, g7Q, offer. Stevens 317 Cullina-m. HAIR Dreeser's and Tobacconlnfs Business (or Saie. at once; cheap; urgent, Care 330 Prahran. HAIR Dresser (ladles).

Two tfu si nouses. In Prahran, i-'iou and 450. Details from Trabilco. N. Rrtpliton.

X4K12. i Attuw Arte, cructtcry, Paints, Ktock and I lutings, lor Sale; cheap. 145 Brunswick. HO MR MADE CAKES. NET PROFITS 10 per week.

Buyers, this Is one of thchest propositions ever offered. Beautiful modern shop, rent and lease Hunt, up to date equipment; 2 fir Is employed; same hunda Ii years; vendor forced to sacrifice at once; thoroughly tfliiuine: complete, jlouu. F. W. BYA1QNS.

3R5 Colllns-St. C. 7208. Home-made cakes, ao, splendid noai- .1 tlon, bla opening Milk, Tobacco, Confectionery, nice shop and home, ntock, plant, hi tings worth pries asked; KVERY-THING, 30. DA VKKSTOKS, 327 Colllna-Bt reet.

P4.1HY. HOME Make Cakes, takings over 40; 350, Trangmar, 73 K. St KUda. 11 OTEL SPECIAL. HOTEL), nilNWAH PTV HOTEL.

BROKERS AND FINANCIERS, CHANCERY HOUSE, 4U5 JJOURKE-STHEET (near yuecn-Btrcet). M2248 (3 lines). AN HOTEL YOU CAN'T RESIST BUYING, tiituate In heart of ono of finest districts and TOWN HALL, MELBOURNE, FRIDAY. 1st AUOUST (Matinee), anil SATURDAY, 2nd AUGUST (Evening). Mr.

E. J. CARROLL ANNOUNCES POSITIVELY LAST TWO APPEARANCES IN MELBOURNE OK THE WORLD'S QUEEN OF SONG, FLORENCE AUSTRAL, In Association with tho Eminent 'Flautist; JOHN AMADIO, PRIOR TO THEIR DEPARTURE FOR EUROPE, best climate In the State. Only hotel radius vt 15 miles. Splendid building, over 20 rooms.

Well furnished and appointed. Piano, wireless, billiard table. National cash register, lots of table linen and cutlery. A home situated Ir. icantl ful surroundings close to beach und some of the favored beauty spots in Australia.

Adjoining golf links, football round, racecourse and nlcnlc arounda: 27.000 BOX PLAN OPENS AT ALLAN'S TO-MORROW (FRIDAY), Ot 0 a.m. PRICES RESERVED, 10, 7, 67; UNRESERVED, 3. ALL PRICES PLUS TAX. FLATS AND ROOMS. I.U.AT, or Its.

to Let, suit married couple or 1 bUKlneu oeoule. 101 Kich- 1 TIL AT, ground floor, scp. k'etle, B.lf, 1 mln. 26. W.

Brunswick. JTiLAT, 2 17. Phone Wiu Wl. 254 Dandelion E. St.

KUda. 1OR Flats and see Williams, 150 Wcl- 1 1 i Melb. Ph one 4 bH 0. 1 BURNISHED 2 S.E., Flat, G.S., 21, like own little home, B.H.,, phone, detached G. grlller, 100: others, Call Mrs.

Judd'a Agency, next Chatham stn. W2000. 1 BURNISHED front Bed. Sitting also 1 single E.L., gas, all cheap; with fireplace. 19 Ho ward W.

next to St. Mary's Boys' School. 1 BURNISHED D. fireplaces, use kitchen, 1 15 and 170 B. 126 wkly.

Staffa, 70 op. Exhibition. Phone, double" Silting Ilre- place, use gas; 126; also single, 60. 62 FItzroy 1 BURNISHED amaUdouble 10; single, 1 86, B.H., E.L., gas, every elect, tram passes. 433 Carlton.

I Burnished double gas X1 siove, all opposite Exhibition, 22 un fiticroy, iURNISHED well. Bod, Sitting' 'kitchen. 1 aplf r.ont.. ens E.I... nhnnp.

II. Iin. Exhibition Gardenu. Btutistead, 12 i BURNISHED front S. kitchenette; 1 also S.

170; 2 mln. Hlgh-av. IJiURNISitED F. S. pvt.

kitchen, ga. JL1 handy city; 226; bd. M.C. 80 Richmond. ITUIRNISHED F.

Flot. k'ette, E.L.. 220; D. 1 S. E.L.

l(i0; D.It., 136; 8. 32 Gore FItzroy. lUKNISHKD double and single two un- iui, naa, biutu, Jjiiiiuin-oi, Newmarket. 1 BURNISHED double 12: single, 8: nr. 1 Fire Station and cily.

48 Fltz- RNISHED Flat, 3 kitchen, B.H.'!' G.S.", 1 3 min. tram, train. 41 Brunswick. I BURNISHED front B.R., private kitchen, phone, garage, all conv, 26 8. Yarra.

mln. bus. 4 Hampton. BURNISHED, single E.L., kue, all conv adults only. 5 Richmond.

F. 8. near city. 35 Arnold-st. (off H.

Yarra. IJ AWKSBURN. A k'ettes. norc. linths. evcrv i Sood order, min. stn. and tram: 25, 30. IcKee.

Hawksburn. Win. 790. 1TAWTHORN. Burn.

large double Bed, Sil- J-A LII1U KUrUKU IUUU. Mulr-st. Haw. fi201. ARGE front R.t fiirn.

or unfurn every A-i cioso Btation, ta Aiauueu-sr. Burnley. MA HI 1DDLE Pk. Unfurn. B.C.

Flat. 2 lovely it i. atiu Kiicnen, nam neater, rcuneiunt, meter, lennls. 171 Canterbury-rd. 'it'inilloKN.

r. fl.n.. fold. Ores. H.

1H showers, L. tram and train, 40 jjiiiicons tic id-par. zaz MORELAND. Furn. Flat "or Sitting villa home, all sen.

kitchen, op. riy. vacant, ivioreiaiiu. NEWLY furn. S.C.

balcony 3-r. Flat, lovely position, every comfort; 270. 487 Dry-burgh-st. WllUam-st. or N.

Melb. trams to door. ONE largo unfurn. bal. k'ette, near St.

Kflda Junction, sep. meter; 120. 44 Windsor. 1ARKV1LLE. Comf.

furn. vacancy, Ellzaboth-st. tram at door. Koyai-par. 1JRAHRAN.

Furm Flat, all private lamiiy, 276. 90 near Hlgh- IiRAHRAN. Comf. turn, front Flat, 2 use kit. 41 Hlgh-st.

1JtAHRAN. Vacant, largo furn." front Bad, Sitting ki'chen: mod. 03-Greylile-st. KOOM, nice, singlo, E.L,, min. 2 trams.

85 nr. Alcx- iizroy. "OOMS. 1 or 2, Hep. kitchenette, Fairfield.

K. Prahran. SINGLE furn. bal. Sit.

or suit 2 ladles or gents, B.H., good position. 33 Albert op. station. Carlton. ft gent.

190 Carlton, city end. SINGLE Rs. (2), close mod. meals optional. 22 Middle Pk.

OT. KUda, 38 Marine-par, "Thn Rltz." iv built: reduced rents: central neat- intr and I and H.W. frlgldalres; garages; Inspection dally 3 to 5 ST. Kilda Beach, 1 Mary-st. Choice B.S.

for business people, or family, ST. Kilda. Double furu. Bed. Sitting wltii separate kitchenette, all mm.

ST. Kilda. Comf. furn. single Rs fireplace, from 86 to 15; minute station, bouch; 911ft liusineas gentlemen, -i ranry-ai.

ST. Kilda. Well furn. D. ltotm.

sep. 226, close Esplanade. 137 Acland-st. CJT. KUda.

S.R. or D.R., Furn, S.R kj yd one noor juiicnoti. S' mils wtrlow wnnta ecntlemei. Boarders, good table 5 mln. Chatham Bullion.

Cinipiuaa-iu. YARRA. Furn. balcony D. S.

double and single, sep. Vettcs; car ents. jn biifrey-ni. YARRA. Unfurnished front uaicony sep.

k'etle, stove, mater, B.H.. fireplace; small Vurn. 120. 45 Front double Bedroom, single Room. 10.

YARRA, 238 nenr Chapel-fit. KJ furn. ana uniurn. i.b; niou. rpo Let, F.

D. B.R., k'ette, BUlt M.C or 2 JL business girls, trams, trains. 41 Bendigo- a urn icy. ti. 1.,.., 1 fe'J riiu loi, run, nutuuncHc, i .1 flitting, with large kitchenette private family; mod.

19 St. Kilda. rpo Let. nicely furn. front Bed, 'Sitting op.

gardens. 04 i ftaiitiir. suit frieids. E.L., ga3, close city. 71 FItzroy.

detached, B.R. UNFURNISHED, large, electric, newly renovated; frym 6,. Post Oihce- a. mem. UNFURNISHED large clean, nrcpiace, E.L., all conv.

20oss-st Prahran, mln, KFURNISHED bright, uult lady; near train, tram; mod. Cr. Docker und Glpps Jticnmonu. UNFURNlSHEii' and partly large bale. with k'ettes, goa, E.L.

97 Drummond- canton. AC ANT, furn. Bed, Sitting R. and furn. Flat.

Phone Win. 48S3. 8 St. Kilda. ANTED, Flat, 1 D.B., S.R.

and 2 itate particulars and rental to R.X., Bos 458N, G.P.Q.. Melb. ANTED by M.C, D. B. and klt- M.C., near cfty, room for car; must bo mod.

company, Age muk.e. company, asp vm.c. TLTSTaNTED, furn. Flat, B.C., sep, ontranco VV preferred, -2 children; roasonablo. L.X.A,, AWVNIM, ANTED by lady, unfurn.

front sunny downstairs, separate kitchenctto, Bruns- W1CK or Mwnuau-iu, WANTED, 8. or Board, private nome, bet. Prahran and Rippon Lea. Mtsa Kendall, Age. WANTED, single Room, plain cnri-ton.

FItzroy. Dealer, 302 St. il'rANTBD, furn; with flrenlane, use i of rnornnury. kitchen. co pjews aboiu.

-io miuivu- Hawthorn. ANTED Immediately, furn. i. with own kitchenette, Albert or Middle lk. State terms to W.

m.j.w., arc JVANTED, single Bedroom, Bj, S. R. or VV 'ANTED, clean furn. uao 01 snv ANTED, 3 part or uifur. good lo-L' inniit.r in liritnowlrlr.

777. A CO. ESTBURY Mnnslons. 3 doors E. St.

Kilda. Beau Ifully aecoraiea, num. 3. Key, Cnrctaker. INDSOR, 113 Albert-st.

To Lot, furn. lnd unlurn. Rs. (garages), all low INDSOR. Large S.

carage, ideal position; mod. 4a wll- YOUNG man wants private family, N. FItzroy. Charles, 118 FItzroy. HOUSES AND LAND TO LET.

ABBOTS FORD. 5 transformed civilised conditions; lowest rent. 00, Nichol- Hon op. Denton Mills, 11 a.m. Hon op.

ij iiw; i i BBOTSFORD, 41 Maugle-st. (key 4 K.L., 15. Berry, 339 ColUnn-flt. A St. 226: W.

20; 6 A 30. 2-story, 4S. Footo-street. Mod. brick Villa, 0 326.

Vlctoria-avenua. 8 2-story. fiO. Others, 3, 4 and 5 124 upwards. RICHARD, VoUNO and C6.

PTY. JTLX, Albert Park.M1472, LBERT Pk. Brick" Cottage." ft large i 276; also 320. 37fl. ft and line balconied Rea St.

Vlnccnt-pl. Machln Shepherd. 43 Kiennruimn-ni, t. ennri nrtiof. dry, healthy, tram, bench: 35.

li o'cioca. LBERT Pk. Burn. attractive Cottage, choice position; 42. Machln Shepherd, ti ria port-st.

A LB1SRT Pit. Vtllna, I anil 8 i A Houses, 0 r. to 8 30 to 00 i Co tagos, 3 Mnd 4, 126 to 25., Buxton ft a. ARMAt)ALE, close E.L., 'good order; 26.. K.

ft R. Bwann, jn hi vein. AHCOT Vale. -Superior brick and w.w. VIllaB, perfect order, splendid PoltlotiB 7 to 4 40, 36, 32fl.

30. 270, 20. 226, Vtf W. iiarpor, miwiyj A SCOT Vale.Bupcrlor vurn, htbo large yard, all perfect order; 270. Jtoime? at mine, uenBiiiBtun, itoime at TTaLVVYN.

t-'ine Villas, 'good close 1 irams, lock-up Shops, Factory; low renis. SohollicK ft I'aneui. tjaiwyn. v.hj HENTLE1GH, nothing better or cheaper. Beautirul modern brick, ft sleep out, garage, concreto pathB, fernery, 30; othors, tENTLEIOH.

Now slyllSii brick Wungnmw, 6 magnlllcent natnroom; let cnoap, ,126. 3 caningiu. 1JOX Hill. New mod, VU 4 r. and i 21 wk.

Phltilpa I Wicholion, 09 Swan- aton-Bt. cent. rn "rtiil Wnmn. c.roiiT r.b molilck ft Balwvn. spacious.

Bcnolllck Baiwyn; waioa. TriaTlTQfrniench. New brick and brick ana iiic Itrgfl r. nnd B.O,, villa, jusi compieien, eta tlon and shops; 36. VriCE congenial, progressive Business suit i lady or gt-ntlemau, easily managed or Ipflrnl mnnniromL'nt or trial nTered.

v(i-? miF. chase: takings Increasing dally; splendid liv ing; iuw ran, iiureuuc ii rite, tuu, uwner has another business. Write, Income, Age. PARTNER. Rare chance offered join Manufacturer, doing wholesale and retail business, money all to bank to extend business, huge orders on hand; genuine business; strictest investigation courted: 300.

CALLAWAY 243 COLLINB-HT. I 1ARTNEHSH1P. Golden opportunity young man tiuv one-third share Clftfl In Vfwf manufacturing business, returning Rood money: proms. cuLfc Ar-n i icuvl. u.

oiAiurib, o3 7208 IIARTNERSHiP. 200, of which" to bunk, dedllng In metais and rubber goods: win stand strict investigation. Wallace, PARTNERSHIP, in estab. Manufacturing S. Richmond.

ARTNERSHIP, Man. with some busfness Callughaii. 309 Swunston-st. splendid no-iltlon. modern shop, home, complete plant: EVERYTJillvG, 450: un.

nnotufto, jjj uoiunB-Bireet. Jr4n07, I JASTRY Cook and Tea Rooms, splendid I'iuui ui tu wppKiy: inn lot at 500. Another, lakes 12 tio. vallace. 11 Ellrabeth-st.

PLUMBING and Electrician. Wireless, estab- juouiiih tdiiiitcuuii, nu opposition, good counter trade, large shop, yard, low rent, plenty work watting, suit partners 200, urKeni sale, Uintas, terms, 118 EI wood. I LUMBERS, old eslablishrd Jobbing enrine'e tlon. no ODUOHlHdll 11 (P nil wnrk I HUNTING BusIncBH for Sale, unique cll suburban, country connection and DUbll UANDWICH Shop. Tobacco, takings ie weekly net profit 4 week, plant and st wk, walk-In.

walk-out: lpo. J. s. Dunbar rift 485 QANDW1CH Shop, rity. suit lady; sacrifice JiiHi a Bwnuinn uuimcas; low rent, A NDW1CH Simp, busy city thoroughfare.

77WC fitted, talft'a 1 17 Milr nni uu, ajou. niTimii, ou nwaiiston-st, UHOP, to iet. Richmond, tram terminus, suit aenusi, cnemisi; Pk. TEN POUNDS DEPOSIT, BALANCE 1 will buy a practfcaily new 4-rd. Villa, situate jiutc, -uau.

uoo i miss mi a op Dorlunitv. J. 8 DUNBAR PTY. Chancery House, rTpHK Hermitage, Black's Spur, well known Guest House, lease, furniture, walk In. rnoBACOONIST'S, liafr Dressing, stationer' tings for everything; Its owner must 'sell; i.ivujr, uiticsB fauna.

A-uriicuiurc, zv unurcn- fllRAVELLER, with good fancy lines, re-X quires Partner, with car and 50, to country. By letter, M. Bray, 30 N. to Sell at once, Mixed "Corifct: stocked, takings 20-25, dwelling, 5 nil rent 336: sacriiice. 120; must Beii un ot in neuuu.


G1TTU3 WANTED, WOOD YARDS, several pood buyers waiting to purchase In southern suburb, to 100; 2 eastern, small or large KP' WM- SYMONS, '305 Colllns-st. C. 7298! IT 7" ANTED. Mixed Business, nnuthern mihurb to 200, Immed. Inspection.

J. S. Dun- M2'J4R -uancery xiouse, 480 oourKe-st. YV'ANTED, Man. with motor van and few pounds go fifty-fifty In established frnlt iinu vvKeuiuie rounn, leaning sunurns, goua XF ANTED, Busincsn for couple, pay part ANTED, good small business, show living, uupuan, ikiuid, Kuoa security lor did, WANTED, good Car, cheap, terms, good security, or give Motor Bike part pay- WANTED.

Confectionery 1000; buyer waiting. Colllns-st. YV'ANTED, small Business, country, with WANTED! Confectionery "or Business, about 100, immcd. Inspection; do ANTED, Hur Dressing Snlon. ladles' or H'H.

tsr uiuai snow jivihk. oaioon, Agu ANTED. Dalrv Produce, shon nnd dwel- line, carace. mod. rent.

171 Ntclinlnfin. Dairy Produce, dwelling, must WA 200, mtisl be value. Write, F26F, Age. WHITE WORKER'S Plant, good chance. J.

P. Jones, tailor, 4 Royal- WINE Saloon, modern premises'," nice home and business, good lease, trade inj, (uaii a.oou. uarKer, vt A'OOD, Coal, 100. week, trial, good sum- ofUce. a lore, good yard, rent 30, good, sol id others.

CALLAWAY 213 Colllns-st. 'OOD, coal, taklnR 25 00 others. '46 Prahran. near atn! Baker, 281 Colllns-st. WOOD, Coal Yard, horse, lorry, stock, for sale; 00, Corner Carlton and Nichoi- 7XUNG man knowledge cars offered third jl.

niiiiru Botiiiu uuaiiiutis wun permanent employment; 100. J.A.J,, Age. MEDICAL. To AH UNIONISTS. Support Your Own INDUSTRIAL CLINIC, DENTIST TURNER, No.

9 Bourke-strcet East (1 door from Spring-street). Tel, 53B3. All Glasses Best Dentistry at CO -per cent, under current rates, and GUARANTEED by your UNION. Obtain Full i'articulara from YOUR SECRETARY. Every Complaint of BOTrf SEXES Successfully FREE ADVICE.


Cash Orders Accepted; extractions painless: terms arranged; Old Plates Relfned: Pyorrhoea Bpiclal- 'v onun iuonuuy ana riaay nights. Teeih Repaired While You Walt. ipjiio, iuntist, uourKc-BC. Biit. ALCOHOLISM Cured.

The Bichloride of Gold Institute, Moreland Hall, Moreland. Effectivesafe, 744, Pam- Amhlkk's suspar Teeth, 2 2, upper or lower. Complete Sets, 4 if. X-ray i yuuu tu unxiuiia uioincrs tnai her children's teeth can be so painlessly treated and extracted, and so aarcly, by our latest iiiGuiuu, niuim ttiijiomimeni. central, 723.

F. J. BBNNELL, Dentist, 120 Col- CKING, Leading Herbalist. Consultations free. All complaints successfully treated in both sexes.

Will be home every Sunday at CS. H. LINN, Chinese Herbalist. 395-307 begs to notify his jENTAL. Plates Repaired while patient per or Lower Plates, 2 Mclbourno.

6650. Friday, 9 a.m. to DENTISTRY, PalnlRss. Cheapest and best Teeth, perfect fit. Open Fridays till 0 neo.

Nott. dentist, 149 Swanston -st. TIABETIC Btarchless, or Union Mfg. 200 Elizabeth-Bt, IZTS, PJpllepsy. Trench's Remedy has Cured Thotiaands of the Severest Cases, Free cuoKiet 1 ram union juig.

zuu mizaoein- MADAME Gylplze, Herbalist, compluints of both sexes HUcoeHsfullv trnntnd. flntl nhone or write. Free advice. 42 Poscoe iuoonee Montis, jfnono tuwai. ifl 3 Bnllarat Ina' r.onnnntlon with any person under same name).

Does not visit uuLflino Dttimrai ami AieiD. viBHS laxni' ptn to uin August. wox lasu, 1ITRS. C. Mfckee, female specialist, the only wealth.

Country patients and those unable to win, write lor iree novice. 311 Hi. KIKia-MI Shrlnc' Mcll' Uany teatlmoniula. A FRS. Bell-Jarvls.

Electro-MasseiiBo. Dlathfir. 1JL my, Ultra-Rays, successful treatment "c'vw, iiruriiin, jsncummiflm, ArtliriUS, xnmiyniB. an l-nono I'DUM, rilLES CURED with Hr. Van Vlrpb'a Trniif.

mcnt: 30,000 people were cured In twelve months. Local letters are proof to Jtn success. Particulars from M. Waugh, sole agent for A jai, iawiey, enn, GOVERNMENT NOTICES. CLOSER SETTLEMENT BOARD, ARM aT.LOTMENTS, PARISHES of KOROROiT and DJERR1WARRU.

APPLICATIONS, accompanied by the neces- "ftry deposit, are invited by the Closer Settlement Board, Public Ofnces, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, C.I., from the Oeneral publlc to take up tho farm allotments mentioned TJIfVPDnvn rrr Allotment 4. and part allotment 0. section nnd "Ci." Ilnrlnh nf lM.acres 0 roods 28 perches, capita) value. jlzimju. ueposu ana rees, 70 fl; half-yearly Instalment, 72 16; improvements, 882 8.

10 iui iu UUUUIWH. DUOJCCt lO OaSO- ment. Allotment 1. section 13, parish of DJerrl capital value, 3ft0: deposit and fees, lo4 half-yearly instalment. 101 11, Mainly grnzlng land.

Improvements, 710 10, to be paid for in addition. J. n. pttsrrvrr. ficcrotary.

Clooer Settle ment Board. JHIOUSES AND LAND TO LET. BRIGHTON. 5 8. out, garage, phone.

1 BRUNSWICK. Cottages, brick E.L., 16. 170, 18. 20, 21; several oihei. Villas, brink and W.U., fi, 701 near Albloo-Bt, i iKuNijWiuK W.

Lovely Villa, 6 fernery! 13 big garage, lawns, garden, mod. 1 mln. E. tram, reasonable Granger, RUNS WICK, 9 4 bath, copper, E.L., Krand order; 176. Or.ucr, on premises li ItRUNSWICK, 12 Btewart-st.

(key 122.J li 4 E.U. t.C; 20. Berry. 339 Colllns-st, W.B. House, i good BHUNbWICK Adjoining Sup! Home, garaue, lawns, Ac: 42.

Dowaley, VictorlA-st TeL 273. BRUNSWICK. 5r. Villa, good order, all garage; 276. Wlkox, grocer, 434 Lygon-Ht.

BRUNSWICK. VlllaB, 6 r. and gurago. from 25 to 35- Cottages. 4 from 126 to 1JRUNSWICK E.

House, 4 renb I vated, man on job; 166 weekly. 10 Rlco itutNSWiL'K 58 Near uiiuijuii-iu. ijuinc u.r. w.a. Vina, garage; 326.

John Ryan, 148 I UNSWICK 23 Bishop -Bt. dolt age, w.u., clean, tu.L., gus. copper, tram, train: rent 150. VjRUNSWlCK New 4-r." Collage" IJHUNSW1CK, at P.O., 3 Frith pi." key njti. uerry.

iijy uouuia-si. nURNLEY, 5 off Burtdey-st. 5 Kood order, B.H., all i tulti. train nnd tram; 2a. Kcya at No.

6. t' 1AMBERWELL. Close Sln.5-r. good order, 276: 4 25: 7 comf. Villa.

320: 6 30. F. G. Woods 2fi 0., rke-r op. bi at I AMBERWELL modern Villa.

6 r. garden; 30. 6 Mat- E. Cambcrwell. i 5 bath heat.

cr. uicu garden; Mi, J. 8. Morrison at CO, A EI -L, to 50. J7f Walt, op.

Camberwell Town Hall. W4675, CtAR Parking Area, E. Albert and Nicholson well fenced, large block; 10 wk. Langrldge Son, 64 Smlth-at. J1481.

n-st, Superior 4 com net 4-r. Onimfn nl E.L., 226. Crocket, agent, N. Meib( rARLTON, city end. 8 (CARLTON J39 fi witsh hoiiMO.

con i rder. On premises, this day, from 0 o'clock. (iARLTON 237 Canning-st. 2 11. James, Carlton.

C1ARLTON Princes Hfll. VlUa, coiid order. 27fl: E. r. large grounds, 30.

Brachor, 760 Rathdown- ARI-TON N. Mod. bk. Villa, 4 conv! and N. ColtagoB and 3 lo 1AKLTON.

2 By clean, respectable, suit unpiej n. at ioinnKWOon. -5 nowiy AULFIELD, No. 3 off Koo-Kj yon c-rd. Modern D.K.

W.B. villa, a r. s.u., ju.L., gas stove, an peri, order. Tel. W5083.

IAULFIELI). 14 Close School. 6-r. bk. House, 226.

Gudgeon ft Grace, dHA PEL-ST. Showroom, Factory or Gar- only Windsor. 4520. MTY, WAREHOUSES, SHOWROOMS. ucict uzuUBlll aim Swanston Streets, Beailtlfullv linhted snace.

In first claim hut Id. lug. goods nnd pasficngcr lifts; 29.10 eq. ft, first floor. 2870 sq.

ft. fourth tloor, 900 sq. ft. Moderate Rptnnlo. SYDNEY ARNOLD, BEST ft 16 Quoen-st, CI Y.

BLOCK-ARCADE, OFFICES and SHOWROOMS, From 1 70 Per Week. All Conveniences. JIOWDEN and CO. PTY. "1ITY, Very Heart, Adj.

Equitable. 4-Klat p.a., rates; Showrooms. 1200 10. rates: 3-FI. Building, 780.

rates. Gulldford-Iane, 3 'BERRY. 330 COLLINS -STREET. pilTY. NEW STRAND BUILDING, OFFICES nnd SHflWPriOMI! vnnA llfht very fast lift service, first ciasa position.

Apoly to Mczz. Floor. C. 4S31. good from 15.

Apply Ezywalkin. -KAN S.F. Cottage, 4 all close trams, station; 247. 33 Albert COBURG New 4 and ft "Rs" 2 v- iiiliii uiiu dwiuuij uviu Vf, ureen, isus-sex-si. HOLLINGWOOD.

ynfl Rmlth-t. Nnw Hhnn. double front, and workroom, very best OOLL1NGWOOD, Near Victoria-par. Bk, 4 largo yard; 10; 10 Rupert- viwiier jjruiiuHCM i o-cmy iv to XX. 34 Sackville-st.

3 126, COTTAGES, FItzroy, 16, 21, 25; Colling-wood. 17. 20; Richmond, 15. Scott's, OTTAGE. 4 brick, clean.

Toorak trams and train. Owner, 105 ElBtern- tttuyDUN. Farn. House, 4 water, K.L., K.J garage, 276; 170, 18, 20A 226, Jr. Harris, Mnln-st.

ir BRUNSWICK, 104 close a i i 1 rB" nr.KI'PKNWKW Wtr.n lii run Jj lately occupied by dress maker, Bplendld ildiit; weak. Apply Ezywulkln, 125 Glen 17i LSTERN WICK. 7 parage, bath heater, 370 per week. 3 off Orion g- Residence, 9 large perfect order; fi wk. Johnston.

408 Colllns-st, Tfi 59 Qrey-st. Bkl Bale." op. neater, copper and troughs'; 2. "Langrld-go 4 Podmore 31 Richmond, TTIRRKNnnN triim 1nrminni Vtllnn 21 lli 226: nice corner House, with garage, 25. John Keam.

cr. Duffy and Keam or 120 1 FACTORIES. New Brlt. Factory, 32 60, corner Dosttlon. closo Eli- zubeth-st.

Brick Factory, 40 46, handy iiumuuu, uuiivuiiiuin. tiif, nviury, awu it, and yard, m.iln street. Particulars. CROCKET. Agent, N.

Melb. garage, 25. 51 woodslde-st. Owner, on premises xo-aay. o'ciock, TfITZROV Pnrk-Rt Mnil Hit.

Vflln. X1 sep. W. house, beautifully renovated tnrougnout; ou. oiunro, rsicnoiEon-st.

TTTIT7.nOV. R. 21. Imnrnvfne tenant. X1 close ref.

Bcott'a, FITZROY St. Georgo's-rd. Bk. 4 being renovated; 20, Lcwellln, ttainnown-Bi. rioi.

conv. -25. Chapman 'ft '312 Bruna- IITZROY, Near Geitrude-st. Bk. I Owner premises 11 to 12.

con i reuuvawu; ii ueur(je-Bt, bath, E.L,, mod. perfect order 2 cotinge, a copper, irougnB, E. large yard, newly ron. IB. Keys IITKROY, Batmati-stl Beautiful 4-r.

brk. 1 crand order: low rent. W. Sv- I FITZROY 20 Newry-Ht. 6 nil bow window, good order; reduced 26.

ts ra ener, van Jtainqown-Bt. car i ion. iMTiSKUV 70 scotchmer-st. (Key 81). anop.

rs. tzti. perry, jjw couins-si. FURNISHED. 8-r.

Villa, close tram, train, beach, adults, 106 Bt. J.1URN1SHED House, 5 minthei-, 3(1: respectable, slot gas stove. 6 FItzroy, city end. BURNISHED Villa. Colnire- 6 .1" garage; 30 to good tenant.

Phono Iris, Close Station. New modern vn w.o. vina, o.u., carage. ju another, 270. Colllne, 270 Glcnferrlc-rd.

Mnivorn. LEN Iris, 10 Bollavista-rd. Mod. hard-T wood Buncalow, 5 30. 6 land bduui 3 Jin uaiuieu, Aiiara, uuu col- iina-st.

HAWTHORN, 7 Goodatl-st. B.C. 35 Corless. U3745; after 6, U0520. IT AWKSBURN, Cloae or T.

Mod, 1L 40; 6 25; 4 226; 3 15, II EIDELBERG. Modern 'B. kcsldenc( 1TOUSE, 6 newly renovnted, EXTT'donfc I cily, resnectnble position, op. 8-IIuur monument, Hritnn. Superior Villa.

IV 30, 228; Collages. 4 25. 226, HoImeH ft Glltlo. Ketislng'lon. r'ENSlNGTON.

close Htntion. JV Attractive brk. Cottage, 4 nil E.L.. 21; op. Macaulay 4 r.

Cottage, side 116. Crocket, N. Melb. TKW E. Snnp, lock UP.

beet position: I. 5j perhnps less. A. J. France, Harp Kew.

Haw. 1560. you wnntlng to Rent 7 Wn gainers ALVERN. Bonny d.f. Villa, fi Bpot- i-.

WW uiuui, iu, uuuna. Aiway, op. Bia- A ERN, Ilumlv Btation, Nico Street. fort order: 320. Collins.

270 Glcnferrie-rd. McKlNNON, Clnso Bungaloft6 street made, 25; olhcra. Gray Rivers, McKlnnon, 1DDLE Pk. -Villas, Flnls; 27fl, 30, HK. 35.

40, 45, 50, 80. Afaltnews, opl "VfOONEE Ponds" and Essendon, Clean Cot-11 tagea and Villas, good 176 to 35. ilOONEJU Ponds, 125 bk. HI Vlll.i, 6 E.L., garage; 30, Austin, aggnt. MOONEE Ponds, 8 "Dean'-st, Neaf tage, 4 E.L., 226.

Austin, OONEE Ponds Dlst. "-Severn I Hnmes 10RFj7and. tip. stiw 111 Dun hrlf Dm conv.oiily ao. owner, "on promltca 2S: 4 21.

2fl. lrrt: llolmea ft Kensington, AMUsem*nTS. RICHARDS' TIVOI.l THKATKB. 1CKARDS' T1VOLI THEATRK. Leasees: Harry RIckards' Tivoli Theatres Ltd.



KKnIaTION OPENlNa NEXT SATURDAY SENSATION I As An Added Attraction SENSATION 1 ttif flatliiee. Two uutsianamg i BYRL WALK LEY OASTON MERVALE BYRL WALK LEY and GASTON MERVALB BYRL WALKLEY GASTON MERVALtl the lD the ft OlaOT'Hft 'MIiTOF WHO WEARS THE MASK HUSBAND OH nu rrinri ui'frwV-N nntIS ADDI TiONAL ATTRACTION THERE WILL BE NO INCREASE IN THE PKIRKS. 4, 3, 2 and Matinees, 3, 'it, 1A Box Plana ai aiioji uieni imu II OYTS ATTRACTIONS. Direction: Hoyt'B Theatres Ltd, G. F.

Griffith and F. W. Thrlng. TV REGENT. 11 REGENT.

LAST 2 DAYS and NIGHTS Ol VILMA BANKY na A LADY TO LOVE. (Children Over 6 nnd Under 16 Not Also. Ailcen Prlngle mid Ian Keith iu THE PRINCE OF DIAMONDS." (Children Over 8 and Under 16 Not Admitted.) Continuous Sessions Dally, From 10.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings at B.

li, OYTS OYTS PLAZA. 1 A it A. HUPnV A BT HAYS CIV "ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT." "ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT." (Passed for General Exhibition.) Enter tho 100 Written Opinion Contest NOW. Entry Coupons and Full Particulars at Theatre. Three Sessions Daily ll a.m..

2,30 and 8 p.m. U0YT8 THEATRE DE LUXfcl. LAST 2 DAYS AND NIGHTS OF ANN HARDING in HER PRIVATE AFFAIR." (Children Under 10 Not Admitted.) Also SUE CAROL in THE BIG PARTY." rPA.iRPi! ffir ripnnrnl 1 Box Plans at Theatre (C. 6180). Three Full pumona LJftiiy 11 a.m..

g.ia ana p.m. LAST 2 DAYS and NIGHTS OF ftMYiicin men. niii in a in VirN WiTtrntiT wnui'M (Children Over 6 and Under 10 Not Admitted.) rtllMron DvprA nnrl 7 In Int. 1 Nnt ArfHj Box Plans at Theatre ic. 3935), Contlnuoiia VV HAT IS "BEH I TMK MASK AI" TIVULI OnHTIMANlST Trln hv ittt cello, piano; fine recording; Assembly Hall) RIDGE Drive, 8, Lyon'a Cafe, Ta-nlclif.

firlinn! Arm Vli.Fnv Mmn 1 WIIBIIO. i 11 ten, HUVU VU1UV. EUCHRE. St. Mary's Hall, E.

St. Kilda, every Thursday Evening; UiST Drive. To-night, Corner Cufc, cor- ner i nnaers-iane casn 31 ANBYPHONE Recital. 24lh July. 3 p.m., Asecmoiy xian; laiCBt recordings, jfrce, HOUSES AND LAND TO LET.

XT FIT2R0Y. 6 lire Btovo, B.H., near xi mm. iram, goon tenant IVT Nr. Market Sun. bk.

Res. ail E.L,, being renov. only 25. F. W.

Symons. 305 Collinn-Bt. Cent. 7208. 7T 120 Arden-st.

5 E. i good order, 21; 100 4 17fi. Crocket, agent. Nc TT Errol-Bt. Superior brk.

Cottage, 1 4 E.L.; 220. Crocket, agent. TVT MELB. 4 E. xi oouQie gate, ixi, -m u.v.

Villa, 4 E.L., 20. Crocket, agent. Nc 7VTORTHCOTE, Croxton. Villa, 5 bath-x room, E.L., garage. 1 mln.

Croxton Bla- tion. 44 wroxtun, NORTHCOTE, Mln. Merrl Station.3, 4 and 5 r. Cotta.ges to Lot, good order, clean. jiimca nonaon, xiu hikii-bi-, vyfiitKir' XTORTHrnTK.

llpniiU nnd Altiliinirtan. Mo ll dern Villas to Let, 4 and 5 perfect oraer. every kj.ij., Kas, uanuy Ditmon; 28. James ft Hobson, 110 West- Rartn, vtorthcote. ft Burt-st.

fSenaratlon-st.) IN 4 E.L., perf. order; 20. On pre A-rnBTHni'lil. Klm-st. Mod.

H. Vllln! xS 4 Rood all 25 week'. Others, irom 1J. nurnnnm, at station, normctnu. OAKLEIGH.

4 10; 6 close station, school. 20; Brick, 6 poultry Collins and Elizabeth excellent HrM, approx. 14, mt runninK j'rioay niKiuo, very low rental. Geo. 61.

Ilumo Pty. 285 Collins-street. CcnU 1493. OFFICE, closo E.L., UKfl 15. 7140.

i-iFFICES. Suites. slnKleB, 48 year, furn, uaretaKcr, rRJTRAN. Marnlflp.PTit cr round floor Show- I. room, 40 40, low renf.

Esjwalkln, 220 unapei-Bt. TJRAHRAN, 75 Alfrcd-at. D.F. B. House, 6 ao.

gna Btove, reduced rent. Premises IU to 1. x-nonw, uxiuu, unei 1JRAHRAN. Hero you arc. Modern and cheap, 4 k'ette; 220; detached.

Call PRAHRAN and District. Good selection Houses, 3, 4 and 5 16 to 25. Camp 1JRAHRAN, 22 Grevllle-st. 7 L. perfect i lion, xv.

xn uanmu-m. hitwsTfN yfi7 Near Splendid 7-r. Vllln, all garage, largo allotment; 4.1 wt-eKiy. nu 1 ayrur oc urn urunswicit. -iiuiik pwi.

PRINCES Hill. Mod. brick Villa, ft every conv. 30. Lewcllln, 303 Kathdowu-at.

1RINCES HU1. Villa. 8 garage, 526, tenant to bd. father and boy, paying 45, 125 Wllson-st. Six New SHOPS, flach -27 15.

4 With Modern Plate GJnns and Tilo Fronts, Electric Light and Water. Suitable for any trade or as small factories. Rents 20 Weekly. PODMORB 31' Bridge-road, RICHMOND. SOLE AGENTS.

JV 4 all E.L., good or 220. reduced rent. ForbCB, 180 Brldgo-rd. TJICHMOND. Numeroun-ProportlPB to, 11IOHMOND.

Houses. Irom 16 Xv motor Inspection. Podmore 31 1 liiill MMNlv Virtorln-st. 7 Ki IV cony, 30; kuy next door; cheap. Ring jiawinorn, ot'o.

good order, handy trams; 220. unapmiin oxt runswicn-i. IX 161 nay 0 Crown-at. Sorry, 'SO'coiniis-st lINGWOOD. 5 noultrv sheds.

1000. JAj a. 60 near Cambcrwoll sta- OSA NNa. Mod. brick VillnVY'raVgn'ragoi nr TIoM 01 ti ANIlRlNfJHAM.

Mln. Mnncli. Now Mrlrlt IO 5 21, 30; W.B., 126 lo 36. Bmnll ft SHOPS. Richmond West.

Six" Now' Shop-, ench 27 10, with modern plate glass and 1 any eklv. RICHMOND, Solo Agents. LJHOP. tenant leaving thie week. SvV years barber and tobacconist, excellent chance, main thoroughfare, partitions, countrrs and mis in instauvu, rent yuii, to uuy CHOP, best noslllon superior 4, suit any business, Kelly, 108 25: fdienneiit.

best- value. Brldce-nl. Forbes. Richmond. SIIOP, FIRWTWO WEBKSIKNT- FKEEi good position, at Abbolsfoi-d, gortd.

spacious nnup, newiy renovaieu, euitauio aairy pronuco kcvR 4tir itnr. irnlrrhllrt-sl. 10 W. SYMONS, 305 Col 11ns -st. 7208.

OHOP. mnn'R mercerv-wantcd. Rent shnti fit. IO ted tip to date, guod sub. stand; rent HOI'S.

titallB, goodnivlng small oiitfny." nil Itnnn. Inw rnnFr lid tvnnb fnnlnnlil Mnr. atnitu mo vnen jiuritiy-ru. AjU1o. SHO'P, nil 'fittings, "gooTPbrder; 370, 077 N.

Carlton. UHOP and Dwelling, very modern union-iD Ascot Vale, main nosltlon: low rental. KHOP, lockup, 71 Hawtnorn; 11; McMillan, op. Hawthorn SHOP, large, D.F. lock up, 20 40.

30, close lo station. 38 Glen Hlp-pon Lea, SHOP and fl-r. Cam. he well, good order and position; low rental. 60.

F. G. Woods 380 Burke on. ataflon. tlHOP, lafgo busy centre, on Iram line; io wectc.

niorincoie, II OP. "Real donee, nnif beef, iminll eriofln. reafonnhlo. Oranirnr, Tal, 200. SiX-ROOMrtTJ Two-ntory HoiiBn.

other thorouphlv renovated, close city. 2 min, two tram linos; 1, Wnrmlngtion -Ply. 400 Melb. F2037; Sun- SMI5LB Cottages, 3 r. to 0 10 lo Hft; bal.

Houses, ft r. lb 8 SI20 to 00. iHHiun, I'aru-st, tj MELB. Cottage. 3 to rs" "ei 0 to.

26. Thlstlethi 1 iwalte, 228 TABLES to LT 6'lonio boxea and fl Btalfs and parage. 3fi0 W. Melb. UTABOis, 3 Loose Boxes, 24riScKan-af7; OCllf'on Hill.

UT. KUda, close Junction. Mod. Br ck iJ Villa, detached, 8 rs perfect order; 37 '8, Don, Ballov A 225 Cp)llni-st. 6007.

JT. Kilda Em CIobT ii no en nnp- rdT 8 Brick. 4 f. 31. Mitchell.

Tavior. 4 Chtt- ST. Kilda 11 D.F. Villa.

0 small carom. 20. offer: open Itl- tnprnop bu'weeh 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. u2Sf7.jr KiTda, Vale -Bt.

D.F. W.B. vflTn, 4 red. to 2ft. D.

Turner fk 13 Grey-it. 2ft Ring WX1031. YARRA, Brick, i 20; key at 18, XTARINI, Convaleerent and Rent Home, Jl a Surrey Hills, Invalids and those recuperating after operations, trained fctaii, every comfort. Ring Matron. W5431.

NURSING Horat. trained nurse, vacancy ladv duriiiK Indispinltlou. Green bus, 420 Garden Vale. Phone X4020; vacancies elderly ladles. BOARD AND RESIDENCE.

A A. A. At Toorak Mansions. S. Yarra.

1 min. trams, station, Di n. city, cont, H. W. service; tar.ff, from 2 A A.

A. At Hollywood, 23 St. KUda, H. and C. wattrln bedrooms, lux.

appointed, lires, unsurpassed table: tanif from ji't r. and breakfast opt. M2103-I. terbury cont. H.W.S., excellent tabM.

ures. irom jio, uiioajiui, WH33. 270 Albert-rd. su perior Board and double and single Vacancies, garage. Phone 4008.

AA.A. vhTte Lodge, 48 "Ore vi lle'a Pr ah ran. D. and 8. Vacancies, beautllul home, excellent table, garages, mln.

mod. A FIVE Mln. City. Erindale, 39 Albert- just off St. Kilda-rd.

Doub a vacancy, rood, tariff, garuga, ph9iie. Windsor, 3473. 1 1 OARD and Res. for M.C.. close tram.

I truin. also State and kindergarten echools. aa rnntMiiiii. HOARD and also double furn. clean, good table.

601 W. Melb. 15 1 RUNS WICK. Vacancies for Boarders. I share large front r.

also single bath heater, every conv. 13 Blyth-st. 3 mln. Gentleman offered comf. Home.

Bd. A ra watt 340 SL Kilda-rd. M2702. service, lounge, llrcs, home 91 Powlett-st. (under new man- A bup, acc, m.i, or Binmc, u.

ana re, rooq tanie IT Wellpark, 301 Albert-at. Bal--i cony Vacancy, M.C. or friends share. 1'7i 231 Victoria-par. Vacancies, bal.

rinnhlii nnd Klneln. hot water service. I' ADY, out working, would like motherly person to board boy 10 years, vicinity Hawthorn State school, Write, ntntlng terms, cGunn. 12 iiawinorn. iTflDDLE 1(1 Nlmmo-st.

Vacancy, i If gents, share, homely, garage, laundry, luncncs. 4 mm. train. 5T 1DDLE 168 Canlerhiirv-rd. Double ncy, or snnre; ninn.

tanu. aci. jijhjw NORTHCOTE. Single and double suit bus. couple or 2 gents.

1 2 doors P.O It IV ATE family offer young man good x. Home, 30; mm. tram, train. roicy-tn. Kew.

ST. KUda. Sup. 2 nice D.R. vacant, suit M.C.

friends; mod. tariff. 71 7011. ST. KUda, Hampton House.

22-20 Grcy-st. 1 Min. Tram, Train. Superior Accom. moo.

tariir. T. KUda. Gents, share large hrcakfuat, board private home. 5 CJURREY Hills.

Widow wants gentlemen Kj Boarders, goon tame a min, unatnam station, oj impress-ru. VJHRA VnrAfirv. 1 fiilinle I handy tram, train; B.H. 58 Osbornc-st. rilOORAIt, 3 MinuteB from Stn.

Vncnncy JL gent, tioaraera, Drigm piano, pnono, garage, all. home train passes door. 743 Malvern-rd. Phono UYOH-'iS. mRY the riiltninre.

Alhcrt Pk. Stntlon. Ab- solutely on Its own for value, full ana ureakiast, it. amy. TACANCIES, single min.

station; early breaKiast, cut mncnes, wosning, 4U Moonee Ponds. FU760S. A 7" AO A NCY working Men, Girls, share, good inoic, ciobc tram, tiuui. a naw ihorn. ACANCY Boarders, singlo or share: wire iei3, nanay tram ana train, iu mciunuuu Richmond.

VACANCY Boarders, 25; good hom*o, every Ores, lunches; M.C... 2 70; close tram, train, iu iuenmona. ACANCY, 2 respectable 'working men. snare mrre irum, train, iau victoria-W. Melb.

"ACANCY. Man, good table, early break- tast, car nomeiy, min. unage-ra, tram. 180 Richmond. Vr ANTED bv refined M.C.

own bedn linen, permanent superior, sirmi-pnvate nome. Arm aim ie, inuruu. x-arti-culars, tariff, Sackvlllc, Akb OOlce. WANTED, Bd. for M.C, 2 children, ages 6 and 8, Moreland or Brunswick pre- WANTED, 2 Gents, bus.

Girls, share. B.H., phone, close beach, tram; prlv. 94 Albert Pk. WANTED, Board, 2 school ifeya, in comf. home, with large grounds.

314 Ascol mtr ANTED, above, bv vounc man: washing. N. Carlton, FItzroy. Particulars IU JjeCKOL, ah. i care inr a nine unim over a years, jxtrs, WIDOW will Bd.

lady or M.C, Ii private, refined home. 3 Aborfeldie-st, Easendon. 1 Man wants Board, must have place j. ior car, near w. tram terminus, Letter to 3S0 W.


Numerous nlcclv furn. Flats. 2 from 25; Bed, Siltln.g from 10; also rioara; no cnarge lniormaiinn. jean oanacre, my nexL Age. jf i.

A BEDROOM, p.loso eltv. 7: another. A 2 beds, 126; rcspcclahlc; suit two; slot gas stove. Jntzrny. city end, ALBERT Pk.

Unfurn. and furn. bathroom and con S.C.; mod, .1 LBERT Pk. Furn. bale.

k'otte. B.H Jr. Room, 10; trom, beach. 88 Vic- ALBERT Pk. Front furn Flat, sep.

k'otte, private home, men, tram, mod. 72 Mou-hrny-st. A LBERT Pk. D. furn.

Bedroom and Dining j- n. ti.Li., gas ciose trum, iro.ui iuu ti.erierti-ra A LBERT Pk. Furn. bale. D.

S. USb jr. k'cttc, gas, B.H., linen, suit M.u. at. vinceni-pi.

A1; a MTnBl fi. nr Ktrifill Flat. P. E. ladles, 1, 220: nice home; no oojcctKii incnns.

lei. uwuj. APARTMENTS, front lint, ground floor, sing'e, double, 10; gas. E.L. 22 Poor kc FItzroy.

'A The Biltmore. Albert Pk. Station. a. Beautiful Willi running ii.

ana water; absolutely on its own for value and co fort. large, well own stove and kitchenette. 25 Fitz- roy. city ono. BUSINESS Girl requires single front breakfast, vicinity N.

Cartlon. nine, Ape, pAMBERWELL. Self cont. Flat, 4 ov. uamoerweu.

CANTERBURY. Flat, 3 rs k'ctte, own meter, E.L.,' B.H., front mln. train and Fhops, superior home, largo gardens; 25; garage; no children. Mra, Ives, 2 Shier- inw-av. 285 Amesa-st, Large nicely furn.

double or single every fireplace, E.L., gas stovo, bath heater, close trams; mod, rental. City oxford-chamSers, 473 Bourke-street (Nr. UNFURNISHED Double and Single Bed. Sitting Rooms, H.W.S., cafe, lift, meters, lounges. C11TY.

Walking Distance. Well furn. small finery gas. E.L., phono, op. Exhibition Gardens.

Btanstcad, 12 CITY, 52 Col Una -pi. Large well turni double kitchenette; mod; iITY. Latrobe House. 277 op. mint.

iium, li ninn uum, (1ITY. York House, 275 WUIiam-st. Single, double from 111; hd. opt lottal. CITY, Near Botanical.

tjnfurn. 2 lnrre S.O.. private. 8263. ITV.

TTnm. S. k'ett, all 20. IB Fllnders-st. Phone F5215.

82. Furn. Bed. Sitting suit bus. counle or gentleman, mod.

COMFORTABLE R'. ci HI com Windrow. meals or otherwise. 348 DOUBLE front R. O.

8. seK, E.L., conv 20. Also unfurn. R. 102 Carlton.

C. qnd. T7 MELB 313 Slmpson-st. Front D. ti.

Iprse. hrlirht. cent, k'ette. mod. KclvIrrMnnfllons, 101 Pnwlott-Bl.

Front. S.C. downstairs furn. Flat, 2 bnthrm. also back Flat, 'prlv.

all conv; .12782. MELB. Double furn. breilt-fB-t optional, gas stove self, low rent, ioz Hotnam-si. Jji 84 Welllngton-pir.

BrlKhf furn. di'hle or largo single, uao ctte, i i ru: Vj front "D.B.S.R., k'eltc; "meals Close 173 aeorge-sl. Weil furn. double or single or Bd. If required, private 206 Albert-st.

Nicely "film. r. own stove. E.L.. B.H..

Dhonc. 1: also single, tou Brni. iv.i bale, R.t flreplarr, k'etle, evervthfriK suonlled: 25. 1163 near ijippn-si, 2 and single Flats, board If required, every rlo-n cily; -nlionp. 26 Bcrry-stl-r2' dalntllv furn" F'tls, nowly renovated, E.L., B.H,,, cut- i ery.

un o. 17 10 lnirn. Flat. Tj D. kitchenettes, U.S., B.HL.

all handy clly 1 MELB. Furn. gas ring, 3l5 Wclllneton-par. cor. Berry -at.

Jf MEITFiirn. FrntTl70. RX, gaa move, 3'J every conv. inu Jioonie-st. LAT.

unfurn. (2), beaut front, dnlnty ,1 k'ette, gaif stove, every in a modern rri Wl.idior. 'A doors Hlgh-st 1.1LAT. 3 nice dlnlngroom, bed-1 room and kitchen, sen, gas stove, all sep. min.

Brldge-rd. tram. 56 FLATS, nicely abp. O.S., E.L., B.H., every 3 mln. tram, train, shops, overlooking park; mod.

68 mln. Rallway-avl', Caui- I'LAi, umnrn. inrse Rrnuna iionr, 1 henutlfiil nnnttlan. nnnr mnnfArrln.rri. .17 Hawthorn.

conv.J,J cheap, Albinndfir-1 court, May-at oft St, KUda. I.1B88. A 2 r.l 1 prl-1 vata home; clieap. 301 FUtTOV. l' M.n.!;Ih,r.;-m)aTa,1l).

"rp HE new MTuTr7. TO MEET THE TiHEH kmt THE SAME HIOHaNoArB 1 extra), at Allan's ix dava ni id Stalls ijmreBerved), 4, at the Thtfatii sweet Wp from a.m und at til0 Upper Circle, at 23 tbookcl will able daily for the iierf.iniii,n,. avk''' at uoyui aweei anop, from ft. is. etii-A EON 0 SEA 8 On, At ine KllVfi B.

C. WILLIAMSON SON ItKnUcno I'ltirr, SON RKUUCEU Bg 2 (Plus I I ISs: REDUCED PRICES. BUT ltu- I'ANUAHU 'l 11 li A RE vt: Commcnclnir at A Matinee Sat. and at 2.

ANOTHER MUSICAL PLAY by the Autw 1 X- 8 one ol the ouistandins thcntrlcil JveSuS, Jar NothlllB more iEeetSLV "SKJS Twelve Magnificent Scencs-the wnn. Bcenes of enchantment und twenty lWr' musical numbers. chij caiitivitiai K.nox ann UHtmus of idq artists 8 I' A TFJ miEntiy at. 81 Matinees sat. nni Lon mm- III Sfiffi Daparlurs for MS KKB f.

or scan LAST KOUlt NIGIITO ot SCANUaK: WEDNKSnAY. Tlllln.r... tli, NIOIITS of ti. vvunnesiinv M.ti. 'u''i 15 Biliss ssgo.

Booklnii Now Oprn ii triua Taxesj TTJna AUDITORIUM, TO-NfmiT iW-I. AUSTRAL and Mr. J'LortKscs WXWfevSSS i a ma mo Haro Klvlns (with Mlns I'TrWfl, "IIIB. terto), Joral. McMlrnnel 10 Ct-Norman Menjlca (bar Uoncl comuanlst).

wuuiunc), Ltliul Dunne lit? Mahnmeni Ur.crwd, uraAinoTOiV THK MASK BATOUHt. WBBR THE AUSPICES OF TUP MELBOURNE CITV COUNC Tho Fourth of the Series of Popular OrchCBtriil orchestra, orchesiha: ORCIIESIIu: MELBOURNK SYMPHONY Conductor. fRITJI HART. F.RCM I'RITiS HART, (No Uluhcr Prices. No Booked emu Overture "Mnslc Flute" Symphony No.

3 In Overture "William Tell" -Mock Morris" 'Tho seeds Lovo" Mozart. JJrnhmg, Ilosslnli Oralneer. l'HU Hurt. CONCERTO "Orosso" Bloeh For Pianoforte and (First Pcrfornmnco In Australia.) Solo Plnno VIOLKT KWART Solo Piano VIOLUT EWAHfi Vocalist BESSIE DOUGALL. POPULAR PRICES if find 1llli POPULAR PRICES 1 IZ Jig; TICKETS AT ALLAN'S.

TOWN HALL. NEXT SATURDAY NI0B A Ammllo, Idlest ItecornlHiTaT 2.11 Free Tllurs- EyeniiiKH ttud'Sul. Afiernoon. i'S'; t'lL SPECIAL I5LASH ilriniNNrHJi LECH ETT'S LEGOETT'S LEGOETT'S hi our Uj.pflHl HEGINKEB3 Studio, wiiiire itEQiNNKRs yu are peraon- IIPiaiNNEKH ally iiislniuli-'il by UiOUIKNKRS 1-' Professional HKGINNKRB 'lonchcru, wlio UHGiNKHlW will teach and HKGINNKIW dltnco with yr-u fipm 7.yi) to 10. miGlNNEKS LEGO ETT'S LEG ETT'S LEGO ETT'S LEGG ETT'S LEGGETT'H LEGG ETT'S Wfi Ipnrh vnn nil ika ini n.i i-j' rf.rf!: If you cannot dunce Blep come to ui am you will soon dispense with all nervousiiui and ficcome good und eraceful dancers to K0 FA1LUREH' We IJavo tho Lnrcest Studio in Auatrallt itnrRcai tnnit 01 inBiructori, And the Larm-sl Bnilroom.

Our Motto, "Absolute ReUncmenl." Theae classes do not interfere with Ifii Aavanccn iuirons. jjancuiR a un 11.1s p.m. overy tveninw. PR1VATR LESSONS DAILY, From iu a.m. 1.


nnnnr. in Vnrrv llnnimll'. nT.n.TIMH CHBSTRA. on MiOLDOUKNE'S ONLY CUES- rAlNIiiljIlJ FLOOR. Admission, Including table rcMrvaiiw.



A IK wo iiooraKc. Pcflpito industrial dc- PALAIS PALAIS PALAIS PALAIS PALAIS PAT. A TH nrcnalon ami ever-lnrrena- itDl AW gate aitcnilniice Inst week ItOlMLE eclinacd all previous re- ltOiAl cords, proving that PALAIS AFTKR ALL THBnK 18 ROYALE PALAIS ONLY ONE PALAIS ItOULE PALAIS ROYALE. HOi.AIA Ad. V.

Arl. If. CIGARETTES and VIOLETS Given Away KIT. CIGARETTES and VIOLETS Given Away vrnnvrs fiis Ait-m- tttt. Next Sat.

every liuly ntlcndlnc will be p-sentcd with if Bmicli of Viofris Viw, mj every Kent, attending will receive a bd. ciKnretlen Free No extra citnrpc. ro at SAUNDERS. Wo dely nil comers, thl.i I tin. COOTEE'S; Cochranfl'a Old Tlnn Dnncc.

T-niu-ht. 2nd licnt Purnm Wnim Champ ship of Victoria; cntrr for KlUroy Cliatiipta; ahlp Set, Hockley Hull, Too rnk-road, Snii Yarra, ono minute Cliap-1-Ft. Geo. Cootf. M.C.

Deglnnera' Clanflta Tuccday nnd Friw To-n i (Tlit, Alayvlllc l. mln. ttta ntntlon. 1st Srml-KInn! Old Time ValU for Silver Cupc Alao Eucluo Pnrfy In i iW vllle Supper-room; ensh nriien. Private ilcstwi appointment.

I'liono W20.3. Miss Llndriim. Dlrtctloc mt- rlcntlnll. nr nftenmrm nnd nllltd claB, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

dally; ee us first umii Modern or old style. Intert steps and stji'i Academic do 2nd floor, S31 taumw st.lMinaii Amis AANCINO. Betjimidra, nrh. leiiiniiom and to-tilunt nnc: and Mr. FRANK O'SIIEA.

MO tench Inif In nur model un to dnlo tuw- pt ya nnora irom unnnsj, fa Huron, Plionoa FlfiDH. and 633 assist and dnn'uo with Wfi. O'gb Old Time, circular streamer ntplit, old time hall, next RfMERthol'fl'liand. Thonii.nry Palate, lllfil ANCINO aimiin, nny nm, atrlrlly private lefinonn. 2450.

Free man 'n, Masonic Hall, cow" diillii, any hkc, Himruiii 1 vANCING. The Kn telle, nriv. "MH'jf tio tin tiers and advanced tnitBitJ. Gerald Halca. Mfns Ivy loung, TnttrritnlPi.

2.12 wane ton -t-- -trjc- I JVirrnVrra' Hall. KxhtbHlpii Mp. Lndlea', Oenl-'a IO. WW'' Mnrnh. Sec.

xrr. iilcJit, 8 p.m. 1lift- Koottf-tav, Phono fAlJclNQ'rau(rht oaHly. prgj, I Alan Uaxter, fi wnwtw. TfHIPrAdlA "ftntrrnom.

avBllahiy. iM- partlea; calerlnR iiirb. mvanaton-Ri. rTiTlTw VXTANTED. rTyTirly.

Condi Uanc'intr. Pflrtlciilnra, -12. AMATEUR Arllata Voi C' particulars of turn, C. Warron, B. MBI r' Vim If i Ltarn i.H,".'!.,,.'fH,m'lio 1 If ns.

COlllllS MUSlO llOUSt. dem at ni MiiaiuiAWM- nriims. 0,1 toraenseij. ii.i,. auelloneer.

ii' i li Recorded Muslo oel.l)r.ol'-;"g, Tham" Prlnleil ntiil riiwijaen Hone, for navw I Offlct, MAJESTIC. LAST 2 DAYS OF BRITAIN'S SUPER TALKIE, "ATLANTIC." ON 8ATURDAY, RICHARD BARTHELMESS In the Rex lieach story. "SON OF THE GODS." (For General Exhibition). Plans for first Six Matlneea and Nights at Theatre and Glen'B. A II M.

Direction: Union Theatres In conjunction with E. J. Carroll. LAST 2 DAYS OF "ROOKERY NOOK." For GENERAL EXHIBITION. 4 De Luxe Seslons Dally 11, 2, 8.

Plans Theatre, Allan's, Myer's, leading hotels, 8 days In advance. Phone 1163-4. ON SATURDAY, RONALD COLMAN In his Supremo Heart Adventure, "CONDEMNED." (Children 6-16 Not Admitted.) fiAPTTni. MARILYN MILLER CAPITOL. CAPITOL.



Talking, Singing. Dancing and On the Stage A Flutter in a. Dovecote. Fred Qulntrell and the Capitol Orchestra. Newell Alton at ine wurutzer urgan, it sessiona daily, 11 a.m., 2.15 and 8 p.m.


COMMUNITY SINGING. ASSEMBLY HALL, TO-DAY, 12.10. Conductor: H. W. Heathcoto, Supporting ArtlBtB.

Under tho Auspices of Community Singers' Association. ColtlnRwood Soldiers' ursdav. 8.15. "The two Bei i a. maivern, j-noay, hi.

ucorge's Hall, 8.30, Norma O'Malley. MEETINGS AND LECTURES. AT Prahran Spiritualist Church, 1146 High-Bt. Mrs. Plum's services, every Thursday, 2.30, 7.30 p.m.

R.O.C., Cameron Hall, Hlch-- mond. Thursday, 8 articles. Mrs. Harden. 8 p.m.; tickets, 10; refreshments; Britishers cur.iiauy welcome.

LO.L. No 14. Juveniles Anniversary So clal, to-night, Masonic Hall, Hoddle and Perry Collingwood; vialtora welcome; silver coin collecUon. IO.L. No.

20Ladlefl. tonight. 7.45. Ma. A sonic Halt, Newmarltot, competitions; visl-tors welcome.

MELBOURNE Radiant Health Club, Scots' Hall, meets ThurBday, 21th July, 7.45 p.m. speakers; Rev. Dr. S. Block-ney, "Diet and Mrs.

Sutcllile, 'Universal Mind," Rhythmic breathing. Visitors MISS Cleai'B1 Tea Loungo, upstairs, "Royal-arcade, cup read free. Mrs. HHE Psychology of Holly wood. Address by mi a.

niuA warumi, uiicen llilll, XOL ly- thfa afternoon, 3 o'clock. will be held In the Melbourne Town Halt on VYuununuay, ouin juiy. i n.m. Chairman: Mrs. GEORGE SWINBURNE.

Speakers: Mr. H. A. Woodruff, Mrs. Roy A.


tors, nlenxn nnlo thnt f7i- .1. nwntHiV, J.P,retlrcB from, offlca as Councillor on 28th' i new, ana no neiires to iniorm rate- payei-s that he is seeking re-election. PIANOS, MUSIC, to. A BRASH'S SPECIAL STOCK TAKING SALE, SECONDHAND PIANOS. An DnnnHimllv ruii-lntr tTlT.V in PIANO in Perfect Condition at Exceptionally Low Price.


DEPOSIT, from 3. Easy Repayments. B. RASH'S BRASH' (Est. 65 Ycara).

108 Ellr.abcth-street, Melbourne. ORGANS, Clearing Sale. American, cabinet top, II stops, 10; Kimball. 12 stops, 28; Ncedham, 7 stops, JtlO: Wllcox-Whlto, 30; Maaon church model, X. Ibi terms.

2B4 S. Melb. IANO, no deposit, Zimmermann, Brand, walnut case, oxtendprt irr uprlght framo, 80. arrange 6 weekly. Maples, Chapet- st Prahran, PIANO, no deposit, Ronlsch.

lovely upright grand, extended iron frame; bargain for Prah'raii wceaiy. aiapiea, unapci-at, grand, walnut case, cMeudcd Iron frame; Ppnlirmt iuoifiM, UIIUVI-UI, 1JIANO, no deposit. Albert Fahr, sjiaciai up- right grand, walndt mue, full iron frame; a rnnp, 82, payable 0 weekly. Manlus 1 JIANGS, no deposTt. several Bchwcchten Pianos, like new, nt half cot; worth bcb-itf Prahran wocklJ' UaPlcB' Gora ft KaiT- ma" fKyoyiients.

Maples, Chapjl- PAKo Without Deposit. 3. Kllner, bcdutP 12 107. or 2fl weekly. 271 Carlton.

Ijiano Without Deposit, Paris, full 27t 'orMa W( 3 Wkly. HAMn Wtltiriil Tie. UI J-'j i- X. BonR, walnut uiwe. meilow lona; 25, or 30 weekly, S7l Lyr.on-st., Carlton.

bjautifui tone; 112 10, or 4 per eok. 271 plANOTTvTthont p6srtr ninUchtr, JJIANO, John BrondwouH, ivafiiut caseniweet Mlonai JC 10, easy tormai Ui Cluioiidon-et Oermani splenilld order: easy lorma. 201 s. Melb. I3IANO.

August Korstor, overs mm KTron frame, check action, good timei 18. easy terms, r.ekly. am s. Melb. m.

DisToTj I. Smith, in. in- no dopoHlt, ao willy Hammford's, 218-321 PlUrdy. IANO.

croijier. 17 nu itctiorli. Kitsrov Ilannaford'a, 2111-221 BcciTcr, fiir, iToSoJhTT it. B. 310-221 pLWc Fitzrov.

SNorjllmmermsn, 03 iilj 'no'iVoTit, hly. Hannnford'a, 310-231 deposit, 5 wkly. Hnnnaford'a. 210-331 amkhifdFlti royT fiTAfio, rToh l.lnji Solin. jnaBni'ncoiit, nearly Pg-afS liffiiMfb.6' 3iNO, beautiful tonrt.

If n-iarcTiprTTt soma ono's i.M'" i-Tcruii J3LAYKR Piano Without Deposit. Bollnnnn, full 88-note. only In use a few months, critiea-1 5 new. cost owner 200; will aacrlilco for Including largo number of Rolls nnd Playrr Ernch; wllllnn lo accept terms, 10 pti werii. 273 1 Carlton, 1JLAVER Piano, August Ilelde.

used 3 months uouiu.ifiminHi mnnnireuucea to Jtllfi; 101, weekly; stool, aMyA? Piano, (VilVJransen. Sft-notn, ranT-poser, nutomallo penal, beautiful tone, pollnlied rosewood case; bargain, 145, terms orranflfld, 28i S. Mflb. Piano, 'nttrfa'posR, f.r"'J.n whly. Manna-ford's.

210-221 Flisroy, JL no deposit, 12fl vjlily, free. Hannitford'i, 3l(l-W almost new: ifTSfi, 1(1. J41 IT. coal). 109 Bninswloli.

ttcrea of rich land just tnruwn open lor cioatr fcCLiicmeru. ien inousana pounna wonn ui road contracts Just ready, mean rapid development of this Bplendld trading centre. An gentleman. Is reluctantly forced to relinquish on account of continued ttE-feeatth. The lease is years, at a ridiculously low renin 14 ner week.

The trade, which averages 5fi per week, shows un enormous percentage of profit. Furniture and effects are Insured for A. fan. rmi pnee, warn in. want out, is omy 1000.

We are prepared to, finance 500 of BARGAIN. J. S. DUNBAR PTY. HOTEL BROKERS AND FINANCIERS, CHANCERY HOUSE, 493 BOUKE-STREET (near Queen-street).

M2248 (3 lines). HOTEL, sub. finance with 305; taking were 90. comn. 178 10.

rent S. lease over 2 years; furn. Insur. 000: sacri fice, must ne aoio. miii.

4 city I' AUNDRY, old 23 weekly, power AN, for progrefisive buslnens, guod open- ttiz iruftLwurmy iiiuii, wun eninii uui)i R321, Age. IHl, AlANUFACTURING BUSINESS, ealabllwhed i.fl 3 years, avjsrmib CLirJA iskt lKO-KITS, 8 PER WEEK, FACTORY. Olllcc, Sheds. RENT reasonable: FIILI. nlant.

inc. Car and stock VENDOR prepared to slay ASHLEY, STANLEY CO. PTY. CAPITOL HOUSE, F5623. QP.

TOWN HALL. MERCER. Why pay ingoing 7 Shop vacant, southern junction 5 tramlfnes, counter, window fitted, long lease, low rental. Geo. J.f.

Hume Pty. 2S5 Corilns-st. 14DX ifii fILK RuUNDS. ALL SUBURBS, JSL CONSULT RECOGNISED EXPERTS, i.uuAn ana ESTAB. 20 YEARffi MTT.K RfiriNU.

14(1 nunrts. seaside nuhiirh. Including ref. plant and motor truck; about aiiuiv kuumu. iia quari.8.

eoaicru nuuuru, fine premises, old established. Including ref. plant, motor truck, book debts; something special: about 3000. MILK ROUNDS. OTHERS, 100 to 3000 qts.

SECURE OUR SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE ana BEl'UKl'J Or CJfjJjJjlINU. OUK 1AM HUff*ckTKJJ and HKCUM- MENDED by all FIRST CLASS DAIRYMEN. jonfectionery, grocery, cigarettes, 'splendid Clear, i changes' 14 stock and plant valued 100: going N.Z, i 140. Bicvcna MILK Round, select locality 200 quarts, top prices, splendid premises, full plant, refrigerator; stand investigation 1240. TlTlLK Round wanted, any up to 300 a'i.

imsh, genuine Duycr. on -oi-llns-st. HflXED CONF. MIXED. Hi.

Takings 25 tu 30 very nutty mod. Bhop, good 4 rent 2, tables, ehaira, clock' Bcales. gla'asware, drink bar, STOCli Kuuit a.o. uuviiijp -o to a-oui unyuuu) i'Uh price. 200.

BURTON and COOKE, 80 awansion-si. ivbz. 1XED BUSINESS. 1 fin. SEE THIS TO-DAY.

no wine eood I i vine now. and Increasing wevtuy. auiiuwicnus, oooueu xneata, ruuncco, Ac nice sll on and home. rent, lenao O.K.. easily managed by couple; cash Dayton lutc'iy' Bacriliced; EVERYTHING, 100.

DAVEKSTONS. 327 Collins-street. 14507, MIXED GROCERY, DAIRY PRODUCE, Ac, (i o'ctorlr. no Rundnv. rrnd.

shot). I BERKEL, Dayton, barrel scales, chamber, uad ana niuvt, nxiurua. STOCK. 00, TAKKH 35 to 40 price, 260. GITTUS RILVEIW, 57.

Bwu.ii otou-st. TITi'XED, A Perfect Business, Beaut, shop J.T.J. nnu joveiy awciung oi i rs. nnu corrvs, rent 40, leano; Takings 24 wccitiy; dtock, 100: this la really a lovely little husiness, ana urst 10 inspect win nuy; Dunbar Pty. Chancery House, City.

M2248 3 lines). fitted and heavily stocked', 5 lovefy sumo hand a years; any trial; everything about 1XED BUSINESS. All cash, no delivery. Grocery. Confec tioner v.

Milk. Bread. 110 stock, 'a scales. Ice chests, show cases; CLEARH 6 over rent, gooa comer an op, erne spienuia DAVERSTONS. F45B7, MIXED.

Rooms, CORNER SHOP 4 SIDE STREET 0 SIDE STREET 4 FOOTSCRAY BOX HILL LINK fi Takes. 43 18 12 21' Price. 280 125 B0 150 as WALLACE, 11 Elizabeth-street. 10,401. TiriXED, Grocery, Confectionery, Stationery, j.

uppuHiiu mrii ecnoui, moonuo rona ntock cunrnntend 1 Till, cnsli rents tor, Dayton scales, other scales, Ice chest, 2 7. week ovar rent; '270, everything. Nichols, ituyut-jiar. i arKvinu, MIXED, urocery, 105, taking 25, beautifully fitted and splendid i. a.

block tu, uir tlon. Greenaway Capitol House, 100 "MIXED. Confectionery. Produce. Ac.

tak- JtI fnir 45. 4 nice rent 2. stock 100, 2 Daytons, cutter, 2 ice chests, Avery jouua, uuiturs, very eunu uusinuas price i-wu. i-iuime, ao uoinnw-at. f'lX ED.

Milk. OA auarts. Confcctionerv. ro ll 1 eery, Cigarettes, Footscriiy, 3 rooms, 370 tent, leiuie, laiung xju wcciiiy, jlu cieur, (J tings, Ice chest, cabinet, Daytons; also heavy MIXED Business, taking 20 116 another, Hide ntrcet, taking 35 cheap -rent, 200; others. 40 Prahran, near station.

MIXED, Confectionery, Milk. Ac, taking 20, ft good rent 370, well fitted Bhop, stock 50; price 140, John Hulme, 2DU Colllns-st. M1: Tilt IXED, several BualnesBen, sub. and cbun- 'ju iij, itiBo atorcs nncj ocnuui oiiopo, ut ivneaie, hhl uoi nna-ai. IXED Business, MMki Bread, heo'th, 3 it.

222 B. Melb. rent 'so, for quick sale, will tako TTxfcb, northern town, taking Zi up, MOTOR Oarage, good country dlnlrlot, splen-dld business let run down; lathe nnd full KTEWH AflKNP.V. Htln AfllSNcv IX Very nice mod. shop.

0 nil rent wi umy. tin mix. hiiq xi urea, inciuuing cnuni- rr. nhnw fnrcrxi Ak Ontl ilullln. fill Truths.

40 Kniithfl. nnd irnuri enmid trnrln; STOCK 150, making just on 5 wk. clear Hiiur an cxiionnes pain, uwnii. in roou order, BURTON A 80 Swanatont. 6., J8B2I "MEWS AGENCY.

Cunfecllonerv. Tnhaccnn. 11 1st, one of the greatest bargains ever offered, takings 27 weekly now, much more better times, 2 shops magnificently fitted, Dayton scaled, ice chest, latest plant, very IN select o. growing district, takes 3f week, best of fittings, well stocked, rent 50, nice dwelling; full price 375. Kccnan, iJO i nem I -authorised', to 800.

W. Prosser, i wno nanaiea nuwi AKunciea ex clusively, TVTEWS Aspncv. authorised, florin rtnllle. tint i. proms t.ou, nuauea acneauie, price including stock, 1325; others to 3700.

Bwyer, 220 Colllna-si. VfEWfl -Htatlonery, gooi prollt Foitersl. Prahran. near Bifttltin. "ftaiCWH Agency, cflfh liuyor, to Ui00, or goad country town, State minor par i leu In ciunn.

Ago Offlct. PA A II THEATRE, Top of Bourke-street. 3 GREAT SESSIONS DAILY 11, 2.15, 8. LAST TWO DAYS. "DANCE HALL." Vivid Drama of Youth and Love.


Two Great 100 Per Cent. Talkies. LOWELL SHERMAN and ALICE JOYCE. In the Most Modern, Brilliant and Sparkling Comedy of the Lear, "HE (Children Not Admitted.) Also Hoot Gibson in "TRAILING TROUBLE." HAT IS BEHIND 'irll'i MAHK AT SATURDAY. RECORDED Music Society.

Thurs. Afternoon Recitals, 2.45 to 0, Assembly Hall. Seats free. HOUSES AND LAND TO LET. YARRA.

88 off Toorak-rd. Neat bk. Villa, .5 bath, copper, troughB, 1-flre stove, Ige. yard, perfect order; 276; Keys uu. vt.

oyuiuim, oua VjOiiiiis-bi. tiva. YARRA. 3 15, 20; 4 20, 226, 2ft; 5 30; Windsor, 4 30; 276. Ochiltree, 460 Chapel-st.

YARRA i-Pi-nhrnn hnndv R.P. Vllln. rn hnlhrnnnt- tf'm. Don, Bailey 225 Colllns-st. 6907! 5 30; adults only.

Keya 18. CJ YARRA 20. Hayncs, 370 Chapclst. Win. 7316.

YARRA "Min, Tram. ft-r. BlC, car 35, Hayncs, 370 Chapcl-al. rpHREERD.a Cottage, all conv. 17 Simmons- DFT every Glenlyon- Brunswick, sen.

Murrumbeena. -Villa, splendid position, 6 r. 126. Owner, WINDSOR. 9 270; 4 25; 38 226; 4 Frederic k-st 20.

Gudgeon A Grace, 378 Colllns-Bt. INDSOR. Brick, 8 garage, work- K2. 11 I eiiuy. iowi run.

large yara, gooa oraer; WINDSOR. Here you are, a gift, 5 modern clean spotlesB order, will lot 30, or sell on 25 deposit, 276 weekly. Call 525 S. uiu.utiui qhu luiu, ami, uurmer, wona yard, Ac; 10. ia N.

FItzroy, YARRAVILLE. Every jposalliie 6 gas. onc-flro stove, IV mln. station; 266 week. Stephens, 112 Somervllle-rd.


MELBOURNE'S MOST MODERN HOTEL. The MOST Important Fact about tho Hotel Alexander Is that It Is an Hotel of Character and Distinction the Melbourne- hom*o of thoso discriminating travellers who want the Best Australia Can Provide. TARIFF. i Day. Week.

Single Room and Meais aa 168 Doubla Ronm and McaiB 45 300 Single Room and Breakfast 15 100 Rouble Room and Braaltfust 276 ItttC Phono F41. 0 Y. BELQRAVE UPWEY, A. Belgrnve, Furn. Houaes, now.

cloau; i stamp. Duncan. 7. 146) has clean BELGRAVE s. "Rosemount," eup.

a comf. home, good tablo, delightful locality, motor to door; terms mod. Mrs. Goas-ter. DANDENONQ RANGES.

COMFORTABLE furn. House, close station, W27garage, will Sell or Let; cheap. -v HEALE8VILLE AND DISTRICT, AA.A. "Shu ma," pianola, danceroom, ten-r iilB. radio, good table.

E.L., C. 3b ends, 126. Tel. 3L Mrs. A.

Law- A IRLIE," roalful home, llrcit, own produce, cream, JI.W., E.L.t 20 min. stn. niolop iree; 33. Tel. 8.

R. B. Gilbert UrloUf! cara. throunh macnittennt nron cry, leuiy. dells and sparkling waterfalls; E.l., H.W., 30.

New wing, 35, Mrs. WC'RTLKY. Tel, 142. JRACEBURN Olen." E.L., A shady verandahs and lawns: all 10; special tiirlif bcIioo! children, dale. HealMvllle, 25, t.I AKEL Olon.

Poultry, tennis; 4U; mo I mutors. Tel. 158, or C. 0354. Airs.

El- SiUMMrjKLElou LotigQ te-ooons Saturday, Ulh Ann. Tel. 61. Alius Burnett. WARBURTON DISTRICT.

Best. Saturday's Ailvert. TOURS, MOTOR TOURIST BUHEAU. is Central Hrlip z. S'M" Theatre.

'Jllowlnii Car PALLARAl, 10. 8 a.m., I li, i',,, CAMUhirtltA. Every Snturilny, 8 a.m.. nrrlv. GEISLONO.

Bn, overy hour, giiikook, siiwic, iu.31) n.rn. ana 6.1s IIEALESV'ILLE, fi6, a.m. and 5aoim mt "gAUTOnlSi- '2 riaLs a.m, ami (o.30 p'in. 1 a iiVio ji bu ii s'. L-ARWIN, C8 days' tour.

leaving (itn sAEY, 4 day'-' liur, 'iciilnc SutuV: "6 aoya COOK anil BON 209 Colllns-streeigllKnlijifl Cc 7635. 1 1 9 Lnt'nn'n. nt. Redan Cr Irnvn. and a Boolt 187 KlUnbeth-et, i-niino naa7.

1 It 11 a. SvRBEv--f. aetommoiiatloii. SYDNEY. days.

Round Trio, L2i. GRAMPIANS. days, iu. In" MT. days, iia 10.

Ille DAhwiN -ao days. VliOSJ. 'Si aSj. Llaton-lnlo 3DH. 10 uueen's-wallt Ion.

Town Hall), Tal. SMI. After' Hinnyi; 71)01) PRESS AND FASHION. "A 11 0 u. Motherhood' ao tna lata Dr.

Tal-madBa observed, the nohlm a.nlrallMi ff.WlS? 'VKInp tin horn, whan Klni anil wife realise th onfy loo wall. A boon of valuable Information on tha si hleal, and SiSS. lWI1n ti fl ousnnit. nl t.X9jI.V""' W'w.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)
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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.