Doge Shattered Europa/Changelog - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2024)

Game modification: Doge Shattered Europa


  • 1 13/06/2024
  • 2 11/06/2024
  • 3 20/05/2024
  • 4 13/05/2024
  • 5 07/04/2024
  • 6 08/01/2024
  • 7 17/11/2023
  • 8 10/11/2023
  • 9 08/11/2023
  • 10 01/11/2023
  • 11 25/10/2023
  • 12 21/10/2023
  • 13 20/10/2023
  • 14 18/10/2023
  • 15 17/10/2023
  • 16 11/10/2023
  • 17 04/10/2023
  • 18 03/08/2023
  • 19 13/07/2023
  • 20 28/06/2023
  • 21 20/06/2023
  • 22 18/06/2023
  • 23 Older Log

13/06/2024[edit | edit source]

Checksum: ae56

  • - 1.37.2 Update.

11/06/2024[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 7dcb

  • - Fixed Eranshar missing national ideas.
  • - Fixed Morocco missing some mission related triggered modifiers.
  • - Fixed a little accident making ai development events show up. Oops.
  • - Fixed Aztec ruler starting as general and obsidian sources missing.
  • - Fixed Palembang, Ternate, Tidore, Austria-Hungary missing missions.
  • - If Lotharingia is not of germanic culture group they can also form HRE.

20/05/2024[edit | edit source]

Checksum: f782

  • - 1.37.1 update cleanup.
  • - Bookmarks got beautified akin to how Anbennar has it.
  • - Generic mission tweaks where some modifiers are now until end game.
  • - Tweaked the sources of max_absolutism, with republics generally getting a nerf.
  • - Nizwa fort now grants Omani marines privilege, I know it's inland don't mention it.
  • - Further mission fixing done, some shattered specific stuff might have been reset so report issues.
  • - Added a special_settings decision for more weird campaign settings, no guarantee that it won't break something. You are also free to suggest ideas and I might add them, especially if its for some MP group.

13/05/2024[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 98e1

  • - 1.37 Update.
  • - Rhineland colour is now green.
  • - Fixed Alpland reform elections not working.
  • - Development Ideas event frequency decreased.
  • - Theocracy now also has a Naval Organization tier.
  • - Added a new general T11 government reform with a mechanic.
  • - Centralisation and Decentralisation ideas slightly reworked.
  • - Frequent Elections reform no longer gives bonus stat to ruler.
  • - Added new specific T1 Khmer government reform with a mechanic.
  • - Nobility Estate Republican tradition tiering is 1/0.5/-1 > 0.5/0.25/-0.5 now.
  • - Some T5 Military Organization mercenary-related reforms were tweaked or removed.
  • - Added option to remove the colonized greenland province in the native removal decision.
  • - Mission reorganization with better EE integration, not final will continue to integrate more. Report issues.

07/04/2024[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 6a13

  • - Policies completely reworked from the ground up. Now every combo* has a policy like in vanilla (*with some exceptions due to some limitations). This means there are 491 policies in total. For comparison, vanilla has 203. Albeit some are repeating due to the scope.
  • - There is now a UI button in game (top right of decisions tab) to see a table of policy combinations.
  • - The policies can also be viewed in a spreadsheet located here:
  • - Heavenly Kingdom (China Formable) slightly reworked.
  • - Internal file cleanup for some performance improvements.
  • - Added back At-Cap Auto-Development button in decisions screen.
  • - Mercenary maintenance cost per technology 0.08 > 0.1 increase.
  • - Mercenary manpower reserve pool lowered (define value 2.0 > 1.0).
  • - Yearly_corruption in ideas lowered 0.1 > 0.05 to increase it's value elsewhere.
  • - Extra cost when over forcelimit define slightly reduced, Land: 6>4; Navy: 8>6.
  • - Fixed Druidic Woodland Stewardship mechanic literally not being enabled.
  • - Added Overseas CB to Exploration as the colonial primitive one imo is too useless.

08/01/2024[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 4cf0

User Interface

  • - Parliament screen made larger.
  • - Reworked Army/Navy Unit panels.
  • - Updated the estate screen visuals.
  • - Redid the Advisor selection screen.
  • - Made mapmode selection screen larger.
  • - Cleaned up the building screen in province view and now has latent goods as well.
  • - Cleaned up the Military Tab interface and move the scuttle doctrine there as a button.
  • - CoT Upgrading, construction steward, development ideas mechanic and hire advisor decision are now dedicated buttons.


  • - Max warscore gained from a wargoal increased 25>40.
  • - Subject penalties to base money/forcelimit amounts increased.
  • - Old World Region removal applies a modifier that prevents from colonizing or siberian-frontier'ing the provinces.
  • - Conqueror System: Normal Conqueror option has a limit of 10>15 that can be present. Mythical option now has 16>30 max (Great or Mythical).
  • - Tweaked AI building management logic, and should behave a bit more like a player. Expect to see more soldier households on proper provinces.


  • - HAB flavor events are extended to AUB and SGF if you were HAB originally.
  • - Mughals upon formation can decide to stay Muslim tech/units or go Indian.
  • - Decentralisation of Britain decision making reworked so you can choose not to do it.
  • - Cleaned up Rhenish decisions and reworked Blast Furnace interaction into it's own button.


  • - Tweaked Road Infrastructure buildings.
  • - Shipyard buildings forcelimit increased 0.5/1 > 1/2.
  • - State Houses now also accept jewellery and sculptures.
  • - Production buildings nerfed 100/200/400 > 75/150/300.
  • - Coastal category buildings no longer give +1 local_num_of_buildings.
  • - Tweaked the government building effect on ship time/cost and development edict.
  • - Monuments have had a cleanup, with images changed and some monuments removed or integrated into others.
  • - Manufactories scaling mechanic changed +1GP per 10 total development > +1GP per 5 production development.
  • - Government buldings tweaked. Removed non-governing related modifiers and added +1 num_of_allowed_buildings so it's less annoying to build.


  • - Monarchy Ideas system values tweaked.
  • - Shock and Fire ideas lost 5% x_damage_received.
  • - Reworked Kingdom/Empire into Minor/Great Power ideas.
  • - Added Druidic religious ideas with a special mechanic.
  • - Mercenary Ideas and other values nerfed across the board.
  • - Trade Management: CoT Upgrade cost -15%>-50%, promote_mercantalism -10%>-25%
  • - Land and Discipline policies are back to older value setup with a unified cap.
  • - Hire Advisor event cleanedup internally and no longer costs during event choice.
  • - Expansion and Exploration cleaned up internally and reworked to be closer to vanilla.
  • - Development Ideas: State Investments start heavily decreasing after 40>20 development.
  • - Shuffled Centralization development modifiers, base_cost reduction is now part of the 25 development requirement instead.


  • - Blood Tax now scales manpower_recovery_speed.
  • - Regional Councils tax modifier reduced +50% > +30%.
  • - Removed Church Council as it was a duplicate of other sources.
  • - Added T6 Merchants of the Monsoon reform for East Bantu group.
  • - Reforms that made mercs not cost professionalism now only reduce it 50%.
  • - Reforms that require subject/ally with 25 total development increased to 50.


  • - Can now seize estate land while at war.
  • - Reduced/removed some bonuses that AI gets.
  • - Age fire and shock reductions decreased by 5%.
  • - War Exhaustion scaling is slightly more rough.
  • - Removed Civil Conscription privilege to reduce dev bloat.
  • - Prosperity goods_produced modifer replaced with production.
  • - Tweaked some Council of Trent Concessions to be more viable.
  • - Expand Infrastructure dev_cost -15%>-10%, flat governing_cost 15>10.
  • - Autonomy reduction/increase values have been changed across the board.
  • - Colonial benefits to overlord buffed generally from 5% to 15%, check wiki.
  • - Janissaries damage_received changed to damage and reinforce_cost increased by 50%.

17/11/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: ac93

  • - Druidic religion reworked.
  • - Tweaked Inwards Perfectionist privilege.
  • - Fixed North German Confederation missing some ideas.
  • - Added mission for Austria and Nitra from Europa Expanded.
  • - Tweaked terrain local_development_cost numbers, check wiki.
  • - Fixed missing localisation in Confucian Harmonization events.
  • - Slightly reduced construction cost modifiers across the board.
  • - Moved Goods info decision into their own little section as a sort of test.
  • - Added a new setting decision to remove some asian regions in the Old World.
  • - Reworked the "Remove Natives" decision and gave some facelift to other setting decisions.
  • - Tweaked Expansion of Faith. Removed manpower and instead increased the enforce_faith_cost modifier to -50%.
  • - Tibetan development modifiers have been nerfed by around -70% (in addition to the loss of -50% in arctic/glacial)
  • - Logistics siege_ability buffed from 7.5%>15% and changed the first idea to act as a counter to defensiveness later in the game.
  • - Fixed the flow and bugs of German missions and now has access to both North German Confederation & South German Confederation mechanics.

10/11/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 2504

  • - Fixed some privleges being duplicated.
  • - Fixed some missions flow being broken.
  • - Great Armenian Ideas should properly apply.
  • - Defend of Faith screen should no longer CTD you.

08/11/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 943f

  • - 1.36 Update and various other tidbits.

01/11/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: e3b7

  • - Tweaked North German Confederation Ideas.
  • - Wool ship_costs trading_in_bonus -5%>-10%.
  • - Cleaned up and consolidated personality traits.
  • - Interest per annum modifiers and some system aspects have been changed.
  • - Russia "Proclaim Emperor Title" gives you event to choose some custom names.
  • - Tweaked some formable decisions and Himalayan Empire is now a flavour tag for Tibet.
  • - Updated Xorme AI integration to be more up to date and replaced some of older scripts.
  • - Tweaked the prices of Wool, Cotton and Cloth. Added Cloth as a latent good that uses Wool or Cotton.

25/10/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 83a3

  • - Institution spread tweaks.
  • - Increased chances of Sikhism surviving.
  • - Fixed Rum mission scuff in Vanilla Flavour.
  • - Update the wiki to have an economy category.
  • - Buffed Impressment Offices to follow Vanilla.
  • - Readded diplomatic way to form Spain in Vanilla Flavour.
  • - Added some content from With Fire & Sword mod primarily for Crimea.
  • - Slightly cleaned up reforms and consolidated cavalry military reform.
  • - Morocco mission now uses one from Europa Expanded instead of Golden Century.
  • - Added a new bookmark that splits China up into a Shogunate/Daimyo type deal.
  • - Trade League leaders get a scaling 0.5 diplo_rep to somewhat buff the outdated system.
  • - Buffed State Houses to also reduce governing cost flat as a counter to expand infrastructure.
  • - Since Adriaterra has no mission tree, for the time being they will get Italy mission tree (even if it does not quite make sense) to somewhat encourage its use.

21/10/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 9220

  • - Fixed Korean errors in Vanilla Flavour.
  • - Updated Theocratic Roman Law reform (T3).
  • - Fixed Culture ideas having wrong modifier.
  • - Fixed Ming mission tree scuffing out in Vanilla Flavour.
  • - Perm doesn't get to choose religion through event in Vanilla Flavour.

20/10/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 3016

  • - Added an HRE Icon to related decisions.
  • - Pearls are now also counted as part of State House manufactory.
  • - Fixed Burghers/Vaisyas Ship Force Draft giving more ships than it should and some tweaks.

18/10/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 2550

  • - Buffed Hussite Aspects.
  • - Rebalanced some government mechanics.
  • - HRE modifiers for the Emperor are tweaked.
  • - Monopoly on Gems now also accepts Amber and Pearls.
  • - Fixed QQ not having some vassals in Vanilla Flavour.
  • - Updated existing Mamluk mission tree to be up to date.
  • - Expanded Fort Sabotage mechanic to take into account 24>40 provinces at once.
  • - Fixed some missing Hormuz cores.
  • - Fixed noble precious minerals monopoly not working.
  • - Fixed Thassalocracy decision not unlocking the relevant government reform.
  • - Fixed a Yemen conditional modifier not triggering after a mission is completed.

17/10/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: e967

  • - Leadership Ideas buffed.
  • - Updated some modifiers icons.
  • - Buffed Castillian Spanish ideas.
  • - Added a Diplomatic way of forming PLC back to vanilla bookmark.
  • - Fixed Monarchy System not being removed when idea group is gone.
  • - Mining Companies reform mechanic (Serbia) now includes all metals.
  • - Local Goods Produced per production development increased back to 0.2.
  • - Added Timurid mission from Europa Expanded but only in Vanilla Flavour.
  • - Fixed Vanilla Flavour not having the additional two diplomatic relations.
  • - Manufactories now scale with development (1 LGP per 10 dev), increased cost back to 1k.

11/10/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 0c1d

  • - Supplier Advisor buffed.
  • - Zoroastrian monument slightly nerfed.
  • - Korea and Sweden missions being scuffed fixed.
  • - Added more amber around the Baltic states area.
  • - Nerfed Persia mission modifiers to not be as loaded.
  • - Azerbaijan and Persia can no longer form each other.
  • - Upon formation of Baltic Union added an event that allows you to choose some preset names.

04/10/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 825f

  • - Wiki is now housed in and completely redone and expanded.


  • - Society & Propaganda Ideas got reworked.
  • - Added Teutonic Order Lions of the North mission tree if you have the DLC.
  • - Trade good prices tweaked and latent good prices and requirements reworked.
  • - Religion country/syncretic modifiers have had a look over and have been tweaked, check wiki.
  • - Added missions for Assyria, Macedon and Aegyptus. Missions made by Chewyshoot from "Ancients Reborn" mod.
  • - Policy numbers have been tweaked and are now in a more experimental phase, primarily as test ground for the complete rework in the works.
  • - Printed more money into the economy by having all nations earn 1 ducat each month more at game starts (24 ducats per year > 36 ducats per year).
  • - Heavily nerfed the amount of warscore that is increased by great projects. This will help with high warscore cost provinces as the game goes on.
  • - Various modifiers got tweaked and standardized, for example: mercenary manpower, cav_to_inf_ratio, discipline, infantry/cavalry combat abilities.


  • - Reduced the price of Canal Projects.
  • - Tweaked advisor one-time event modifiers/bonuses.
  • - Lowered the amount of loyalty estate interactions give.
  • - Some religion colour tweaks to have semi-cohesive colour scheme.
  • - Added Nestorian to religion ideas converter for most likely religions.
  • - Harmony modifiers tweaked, split the pagan groups modifiers, check wiki.
  • - Advisor one-time events modifier duration changed from 6 years to 10 years.
  • - Reenabled Brazil formation decision but not the flee to Brazil since it still crashes.
  • - Champagne good no longer exists on the map and is just wine, also added a bit more wine.
  • - Buffed Siberian development cost reduction -25%>-50% to negate the arctic climate negative.
  • - Indigenous Ideas are now counted as government type ideas and therefore part of ADM category.
  • - Fixed Northern German Confederation not getting some government mechanics (if you have the DLC).
  • - Fixed some religions not having/working rebels that allow you to change religion if you do it through them.
  • - Jewish proper replaced Samaritan/Karaite due to having a unique mechanic while the others being false choices taking up space.
  • - Disabled most Japanese formables except the standard Japan and Ikko Ikki due to them not providing much due to lack of identity and being general clutter. Might rework them later.

03/08/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: da3d

  • - Fixed Uesugi missions being broken.
  • - Reduced the cost of mines from 3k to 2k.
  • - Removed fort buildings from game start in Shattered.
  • - Forming Romania triggers restoring country name action.
  • - Riga can form Hansa without losing it's special reforms.
  • - Updated Ethiopia forming decision to have the usual look.
  • - Antioch now has access to the basic Crusader mission tree.
  • - Internally redid the events that swapped government ideas.
  • - Fixed Vaisya governing capacity privilege not being limited.
  • - Tweaked "Separate Clergy from State" and "Autocracy" reforms.
  • - Fixed monopolies giving mercantilism again after 1.35 update.
  • - Fixed some monuments only accepting Jewish and not the other forms of it.
  • - Buffed the Draft Ships Privilege to be a max of 5>10 ships at 10>20 ports.
  • - Fixed "Frequent Elections" bonus only applying to pirate republics, oopsie.
  • - Frequent Elections now reduce election cycle -1>-2. Beware, this is not a buff.
  • - Fixed lollard rebels not working properly and not acting as an avenue for conversion.
  • - Caliphate system is now only enabled in Vanilla Flavour bookmark as it does not quite work as intended in shattered.
  • - Added a "Disabled" text to Churches/Cathedrals when Bogomilist for easier understanding. More information on religion is in the description of Bogomilists in religion screen.
  • - Implemented Poland and Lithuania Lions of the North DLC missions. Polands gets it only in the Vanilla Flavour, while Lithuania gets it in both. If you don't have the DLC, Lithuania gets the older missions.

13/07/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 4cc3

  • - Max attrition reduced from 20% to 10%.
  • - Tweaked how Spear of Destiny flavour works.
  • - Revolutions can now start in the Industrial Age.
  • - Fixed Punjab having a negative modifier in its ideas.
  • - Cavalry base cost increased back to vanilla costs, from 20 to 25.
  • - Administrative Efficiency from technology increased from 10% to 12.5%.
  • - Taking high autonomy provinces from the enemy is slightly ever cheaper.
  • - Removed the +5% forcelimit from normal difficulty that AI previously got.
  • - Fixed Romania's `Romanize`, Britains `Early Industry`, Bulgaria's was_tag issue.
  • - Added a decision at the start of the game to choose how subject colouring is handled.
  • - Fixed Yang not getting missions and not having one of the intermediate Chinese formables.
  • - State Firearms decreased the maintenance cost from 15%>10% and increased drill_gain 25%>30%
  • - Forcelimit amount in the game reduced, to better reflect the reduced amount of manpower in the game.
  • - Standardized Uniforms no longer locked with State Firearms and provides reinforce_cost_reduction (-25%) instead.

28/06/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 0056

  • - Fixed Berbers not giving agendas.
  • - Fixed Appanage peace treaty, again.
  • - Cleaned up and centred the Forts Active icon.
  • - Building roads through C&DS will no longer take loans.
  • - France and Occitania no longer has the 10 ADM tech requirement.
  • - Added more custom modifier icons that appear on the trade mapmode.
  • - Fixed Byzantine mission not giving access to Wooden Wall as advertised.
  • - Reduced the cost of state_maintenance increase when you have higher crownland.
  • - Fixed a bunch of Russian events to be applicable to Republican Russia as well.
  • - Added "Domination" Japan missions if you have it, if not the previous modded missions will take over.
  • - Reworked various aspects of Ages. Abilities are now completely open and are buffed, objectives are somewhat more difficult. Credit to Ages Reformed by Mdoulos as some aspects are from that mod. Will be balanced over time as I get more information but Ages abilities are intended to be far more important.
  • - Norwegian Naval Doctrine accessible through naval Adaptation reform. The upgraded doctrine is exclusive to the mission tree and tag.

20/06/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: b7a3

- 1.35.4 Update.- Fixed Appanage wargoal option.

18/06/2023[edit | edit source]

Checksum: 0e55


  • - X Court Influence in reforms is no longer a mechanic.
  • - Redid the naval doctrine UI to allow for more doctrines to be seen.
  • - Government reforms saw a bunch of tweaking to make them more viable.
  • - Implemented Selective Building Construction and Demolition by Itsbenter.
  • - Added a privilege akin to Raise Taxes (name changed to Clerical Funding) for Burghers.
  • - Byzantine missions completely replaced with a new one by Europa Expanded/Flavor Universalis.
  • - Tweaked mercenary related modifiers, with a primary focus on reduction of cost and manpower modifiers.
  • - France saw a bunch of tweaks/rework to itself from naval doctrine, muskateers, reform and system of appanages.
  • - Removed or updated some privileges that were either low quality or duplicates/similar of existing vanilla ones.


  • - Fixed freedom of religion reform.
  • - Added more sources of monthly liberalism.
  • - Increase Scuttle Doctrine chance even more.
  • - Conquerors no longer have a defensive bonus.
  • - Fixed a bunch of the missing privilege icons.
  • - Estate decisions now also have an icon near them.
  • - Burghers Force Draft privilege now also drafts galleys.
  • - Russian modernization gains a yearly innovativeness gain.
  • - When forming Armenia, missions will automatically refresh.
  • - Tributaries will no longer be colored the overlords colour.
  • - Palace of Constantinople monument is no longer TAG limited.
  • - Fixed Kingdom/Empire Ideas not properly converting when changing rank.
  • - Added a naval reform that does something funny with naval doctrines, tehe.
  • - Tir na Celtigh adm requirement lowered and Brittany, akin to Scotland, can form it as well.
  • - Marine Army reform tweaked so you have a chance for at least one cannon stack. No promises.
  • - A nation that was played by a player but is an AI, in case they are not there for a session, will not receive the Conqueror trait.

Older Log[edit | edit source]

Older Archives are located on steam'

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Doge Shattered Europa/Changelog - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2024)
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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.